Adoptions and Geological Events (Totally Not Related!)

Channeling Transcript

Me: Why do people choose to be adopted or to adopt?

Erik: Really? That’s a question?

Me: Um, yeah! Of course? Why, isn’t there an answer to it? Is there not a spiritual aspect to it?

Erik: Search for love and placement. And on the opposing side—why do people adopt—search for love and placement.

Me: Oh, okay.

Erik: Think about it, Mom. If you come into a body that’s broken, that doesn’t make a baby, but yet a spirit here has picked you as being the mom and you wanna be a mom, there are ways of making that connection.

Me: Okay, interesting. Okay, next subject. People want to know why all the quakes and volcanoes. What’s going on?

Jamie laughs.

Erik: Duh! These are just some of the “shake it ups”. This is how the earth is getting rid of what it no longer needs. The earth is a living creature. It can’t sit still! We can’t EXPECT it to sit still.

Me: Uh uh.

Erik: And it has wiggled and moved for all of our existence, but right now, because of the sun’s solar, uh, cycle—

Jamie (confused): Sun’s solar cycle?

Me: Ooo, say that 12 times really fast!

Jamie: Really!

Erik: It has two cycles and those two cycles are meeting both at a peak. So, it’s creating a different magnetic pull, gravitational pull, and so all the shifts that would have been spread throughout a period of time on earth are all gonna kinda come as a group. It won’t all happen at once, but it will be kinda one after the other, after the other.

Me: Yeah.

Erik: Something that’s large and devastating once a year is enough! It’s enough.

Me: I would think so! So there won’t be anything abruptly cataclysmic?

Erik: No. They’ll be some time to adjust for those who are willing to get their head out of their ass and stop being in denial. You know those guys who insist on weathering those big killer hurricanes?

Me: Oh yeah. It’s a machismo thing or an apathy/denial thing.

Erik: Yeah. There are always gonna be people like that.

Me: Sad.


The Powers of Miss Katie

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Elisa Medhus

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