After You, Bitch

Happy Friday, everyone. As you notice, I’m not posting a celebrity interview today. I don’t want to run out of them before I finish getting all the materials for the book. Nonetheless, I’m hoping you’ll find this one enlightening.

Very soon after announcing the contest yesterday, someone answered the question correctly. Physics. Can you believe that? I guess that ended up coming in handy given the fact that the afterlife and consciousness survival can all be described in terms of quantum physics and all of its mind-blowing, brain melting explanations. Erik was really into String Theory and other very advanced concepts.

I also would like to say something I probably should say more. I love you guys. You’re an inspiration, and the fact that you love my son makes my heart swell. Yes, I struggle with the complements. I’ve always had trouble accepting praise, not because I don’t think I’m worthy. I just don’t know why. I really don’t. The comments and emails I get from you saying how much Channeling Erik has changed your lives has the most powerful impact on me. Oftentimes, they bring tears to my eyes (like right now.) I just want Erik’s death to hold some meaning, and you all prove that it does. I miss him though. 

Enough sappiness from the Queen of Sap. Here’s today’s post.

Me: Let’s talk about civility. There used to be a time when people were more civil. They had chivalry, manners. Now everyone is talking about their bitches and ho’s. Everything is just so rude and crude and raw and just disappointing. Why? What happened, and will we every go back to that place of mutual respect? (In jest) Cuz I’m tired of opening up my own door, goddamit!

Jamie chuckles.

Erik: We will go back to that place, but it ain’t gonna to be anytime soon. We, as people, are really trying to reach out. Think about it. You gotta destroy something to change it, to make it better. All that chivalry and bullshit like that—

I guess I’ll still have to open the car door and step in puddles. Sigh.

Erik: —was really just being governed by society-dictated politeness, and your needs were being pushed aside, so now we’re kind of manifesting this pendulum swing and going completely rude and a little more self-centered. Eventually, we’re going to swing back into a time where we’re guided by respect, and we’re guided by boundaries. We won’t be stuck with rules and authority dictating how we should behave with each other the way we used to.

Me: Yeah, because I guess the civility was defined by rules rather than the heart. Is that what you’re saying?

Erik: Yeah. So in the future our behavior is going to be more defined by the heart, but first we have to get through this chaos first like the ho’s and the bitches and reality TV. We’re all going to get disgusted with it, and we’re going to see that, “God, I really need to be nice and loving. I need to surround myself with people that I care about and not do this bullshit anymore.

Me: Good. So, it’ll be better than it was back in “the day.”

Erik: Yeah. That’s good, Mom. Talk like you’re a hundred years old! “Back in the day!”

Me: I feel like a hundred sometimes. ‘Back in my day when the dinosaurs were still roaming the Earth.’ Anything else you want to say about that?

Erik: Nope.


Sorry this one was so short, guys.

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Elisa Medhus

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