
Yesterday as I was taking my walk, I had a very strong urge to listen to a song by Trans-Siberian Orchestra called Believe. I heard Erik’s voice in my head telling me that this song was meant as a message from him to all of us. The lyrics are so fitting and poignant. They make me love him even more, if that were possible.

When I got home, I wanted to share the song with two of my kids so I played it on my Dr. Dre Beatbox. Of course, admitting that a mom’s choice in music is in good taste or even acceptable, they crinkled their noses in disgust. I expected as much. But all of a sudden, Michelle felt Erik’s energy and, as she did October 15 just 9 days after her brother’s death, she snapped a picture in that direction capturing a moving orb. This time it was flying around the Beatbox, so I’m sure he was teasing his sibs for dissing the song that he wanted to use to convey his message. I asked Michelle to immediately snap a few more pictures so we could have something to compare the first picture to. No orb. When analyzing these photographs, it’s important to have a photo of the same area, one with the orb and one without. Blog Member, Mike Hulse, used special software to analyze the photo of the orb from 2009 and verified that it indeed was not tampered with, but we didn’t have a photo of that same area without the orb. I tried taking pictures of the area, but we painted the walls a different, lighter color so I just couldn’t recreate the same lighting, etc. Erik must of known we were struggling, so he stepped up to the plate and gave us what we wanted. That kid sure does get around. So now we have two clearly moving orbs picked up by Michelle’s keen sense of his energy using different cameras taken at different times. What more could we ask for? Below are the photos, including the one from ’09. Please be sure to listen to his song, too.

2009 Orb

2009 Orb

Yesterday's Orb



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Elisa Medhus

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