Benign Mass

ST = substitute teacher C = The Committee      E = Erik

ST:       Why can’t we get full detail of any question we ask?

Erik:     Depends on the detail; would you really want to know everything?

ST:       No, just what we’re asking.

Erik:     Just like I said, maybe it’s better to not know.

C:         As we have answered here several times, do you wish a lifetime to be reduced to a checklist? Would it be better to know everything that will happen, including where, with whom and what outcomes are possible?

ST:       To avoid the bad stuff, sure it would.

C:         And this is why you are where you find yourselves now. It cannot happen that your presence on Earth is a mistake, not in any way. There is great purpose to your presence, individual and collective there is. Many other souls, here in what is your Heaven and others on your Earth, planned to be with you, interact with you, live with you, visit you, argue and fight with you and do all things you have done in your life. Do you wish to have the removal of all these things from your life?

ST:       To avoid the nasty things, yes, why not?

C:         So describe this life of pleasure, is that not too much a word?

ST:       I never really thought about that until recently.

C:         That is right and you knew, as you considered this, that all things in your life are there just as you have placed them on a list and there is a list of many others upon which you also appear. Would you alter all other lists?

ST:       Knowledge in advance of what will happen does what?

C:         It will undermine what you have chosen; you would not wish this. The ending of a life, in almost every case, causes much more concern for the soul to work through the list of interactions to maintain the rhythm, the pace and the progress that all other souls still will be following, where the departed would play a role. Far easier it is to stay; more enjoyable.

ST:       This seems so far away, so unrealistic.

C:         Unrealistic it is supposed to seem, yet you chose it. It was planned and agreed and set forth with the blessings and approval, the happy, eager approval, of all souls who will be involved.

ST:       So what if every nasty encounter could be known in advance, but everything else left the same?

C:         You would seek to avoid them and this very perilous for you would be.

ST:       Why?

C:         Such abrupt a move away from your plan would, to use an Earth term of travel, de-rail you. This change in direction would be far worse, and your course of life would continue. Your direction would now bounce uncontrolled into the existences of many others who would not expect you in the role you have come to fill.

ST:       How would this be bad?

C:         If the encounter involved work, soon would that job be lost and then all the people as other employees or customers with whom you would speak, would now not see you, as you would be other places and seeing other people, whose plans do not include you or do not have you scheduled for the pace where you appear.

ST:       But if we have free will?

C:         Certainly you all do; and this free will began well before you were born into this life. The course of events chosen was one of many you considered, designed, if that is not too artificial a word to describe a human life, with objectives for your experience. Your Guardians do watch over and help you; the encouragement they provide and what keep you on course.

ST:       Keeping on course for an unpleasant event?

C:         As the circumstances of the encounter come together, the feeling of well being, correctness in your course and choice, all will seem proper and good. This sensation is the plan of your choosing remembered by your soul, in what you call a subconscious, which is more correctly your superconscious, for it is the true you above what you are on Earth.

ST:       So if my plan includes a bitter, angry teacher that seeks to put me down?

C:         There will be a lesson for this teacher and you both. Your free will enters as the first events play out. What each of you does, what each of you thinks and then chooses to do; continue, stop or continue in a new way. There is great value in this experience for both, and greater value where both sides choose a beneficent course, not an angry one. This is the forgiveness so often discussed. There would be little value to you if this were avoided and the time, the phase of your visit set aside for this, were given to playing a game.

ST:       So if we changed course, and avoided the bitter teachers, the bad drivers, the muggers, the bullies and the rest, what happens?

C:         Soon your life’s course becomes increasingly haphazard; as you begin interaction away from family, friends and coworkers, you encounter new people and things all unscheduled. The outcomes are erratic.

ST:       Does this happen often?

C:         No, it is rare. It usually ends tragically.

ST:       So the tragic endings we usually hear about, car accidents, accidental deaths and so forth?

C:         Many are planned exits, the majority.

ST:       Life seems so arbitrary, though. So unknown at times.

C:         And so you have chosen it to be. We would say but two things to remember always; forgive and listen. For we all speak to you and when you have been wronged or hurt, when the episode is complete, seek not revenge or redress; do seek to bring things to a stop for this is a good thing and a great lesson unto itself. Once done, be done with it and move forward as you listen, for we speak to you and guide you and love you. Until we meet again, all be very well.

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Substitute Teacher

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