Channeling Jim Morrison, Part Two

Enjoy the last segment of our interview with Mr. Morrison!

Me: Was it your destiny to die when and how you did?

Jim: Yes, and it was willed by me. I willed my own death.

Me: Why?

Jim: I accomplished what I came here to do. Death was an old friend of mine. We had talked from time to  time, and I was told I would die a young man.

Me: What do you mean, “Death was an old friend”? Is that figurative?

Jim: No, I spoke to Death.

Jamie: Well, for our knowledge—

Erik: For more clarity: Was death a spirit like a god or of someone you knew? Or—

Jamie: Morrison is interrupting him.

Jim: Yes, Death is a spirit, and he came to me and told me when I was going to die.—not to the day, but that I would be young, and it would be soon. I felt my body becoming more soft and limp and my breathing became shallow and my heart wasn’t beating strong. I knew that was when the ties were cut. I was on drugs at the time.

Jamie: He’s showing me a needle. He says it was heroin, but that it wasn’t an overdose.

Me: But is Death really a spirit, or is it a spirit that you named Death because of the message he came with?

Jim: Yes. The last one.

Jamie: That’s what Erik was describing to me.

Me: Can you tell us about your afterlife now?

Jim: It’s beautiful.

Me: Do you live in a home, or—

Jim: I like to stay in Paris with Pamela.

Jamie: He’s talking about a woman he loves. It’s Pamela or Pam or maybe Pamie; I’m not sure.

Me: And what do you do there.

Jim: I’m resting.

Erik: Really, you’re not playing any music?

Jamie laughs.

Jim: Well, from time to time we get together with others and we play, so yeah.

Jamie: He makes it sound more like a concert setting than a daily thing.

Jamie giggles.

Me: What do you know now that you didn’t know before you passed away?

Jim: I understand now that as a life on earth, everything comes from the same source. We’re not as different and as separate as we believe or make ourselves out to be.  That’s what I truly learned.

Me: When you were here, what were you supposed to learn?

Jim: I was rally here to learn how to accept love. I was never very good at giving it either, but I know my lesson was to learn to accept it, and I had every opportunity to do so. I don’t feel like I ever achieved it, though.

Me: Aw. What were you here to teach?

Jamie (giggling): At first he wanted to say to teach self-exploration through experimental drugs or whatever.

Jim: My time of living was only during the time where experimental drugs were acceptable.

Me: Such as?

Jim: Peyote, mushrooms, all kinds of psychedelics, heroin, cocaine, marijuana—everything! Alcohol. I would like to say I was here to teach people to explore, to find out who they are, but my own exploration was about hiding from myself. I don’t know if I was meant to be a teacher for anyone.

Me: So you were here mostly to learn, then?

Jim: Yes.

Me: Any regrets?

Jim: No, because I forgive myself for everything.

Me: What was your proudest achievement here on Earth?

Jim: I had a lot of good times, fantastic times, but what was my proudest?


Jim: I don’t know if I can name one.

Jamie: He’s not giving me an answer.

Me: Okay. As you look back in spirit, do you see something you can say you’re proud of? I mean, maybe it didn’t evoke feelings of pride when you were here, but—

Jim: Yeah, I guess how the band and the music we made changed people’s lives.

Me: Okay, and how do you think it influence people?

Jim: To be more free.

Me: Oh, good! Is there a life you lived that influenced your life as Jim Morrison?

Jamie: He drops his head down; his hair’s kind of shaggy, but its not really long or anything.

Jim: I remember a time I was a man, Caucasian—in the New England area. I welded heavy metals, and I was very much into alchemy. I’d take one mineral, one metal, and create a combination with another one—make it weaker, make it stronger, heat it, bang it into shape. It was such a satisfying, controlling discipline, and I always wondered—does somebody do that with us? Does somebody put the minerals together and heat us up, beat us up to shape us into something better and more useful?

Me: Wow.

Jim: I was a Catholic then and hated it. I did my duty and went to church without looking like an outcast. For me, the lives link together. Maybe by hearing it with other ears, you can’t find the similarities, but the idea of being shaped and molded by something greater was fascinating.

Me: Ah! Interesting perspective Jim! Do you have anything else you want to share?

Jamie: Just briefly, before that, he finally showed me what he was making. It’s not boards or anything . I thought horses, maybe?

Me: Oh!

Jamie: But he’s making hinges that go on caskets.

Me: Oh, wow!

Jamie: So he was around death quite a bit.

Me: No wonder!

Jamie: That’s probably why he got deep into that conversation how simple life is, you know. You just die.

Jim: I wanted a lifetime where I could bring all of that together.

Me: Ah! Anything else you’d like to share?

Jim: Earth is a beautiful place, but the world inside your head—

Jamie stops and tears up.

Jim: –but the world inside your head can be even more beautiful. Don’t be fooled by illusion. Only be truthful to how you feel.

Me: Very nice. Erik?

Erik: No questions, no.

Jamie (giggling): Erik’s just throwing his hands back like, “I got nothing.”

Me: Well, thank you so much, Mr. Morrison.

Jim: You’re welcome.

Jamie: He doesn’t even say goodbye. He just leaves!

Me: Boosh!

Jamie: Erik and I were both commenting how weird that interview was!

Me: Really?

Jamie: You didn’t feel that?

Me: I felt a little uncomfortable—the whole death thing.

Jamie: He was just a little creepy. Erik and I kept making eye contact like, “Hmmm!”

Jamie, Erik and I laugh hard.

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Elisa Medhus

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