
I apologize for not having some sort or introduction to the post nor have I edited it! I’m neck deep in work (and drama) today. 🙂

Me: Sometimes, couples get divorces, and that’s obviously another type of loss, which is along the lines of family estrangement we just talked about. But there’s also that stigma of divorce in some religions. That makes that loss more difficult, and it makes moving on from a relationship harder.

Erik: You remain attached to that belief. That attachment is something you were taught. Now, don’t get me wrong; all religions teach us something and bring us something that we need in the moment, but once we get to the point that this religion makes us feel “less than” and robs us of the ability to choose for ourselves and think for ourselves and feel with our hearts, then that’s a lesson that might come from that relationship to the belief. Think for yourself. Think for yourself.

Me: Yeah, but you don’t have to throw away all of the other beliefs of that religion, of course.

Erik: No, and people are starting to turn away from organized religion mostly because they see it as all bad. This is one of the things about living in the physical world. Everything is energy, and energy vibrates at different frequencies, and in the physical dimension where it’s denser, that energy vibrates at a lower rate.

Me: Right.

Physics 1.0. I feel nauseated right now.

Erik: That makes it easier for humans to focus on and attach to the negative. Lower vibrational frequencies attach to other lower frequencies easier. The volume on that negativity gets turned up so that all humans see and hear is that. Then, we start judging that entire institution as bad. But there are a lot of people in all institutions, religion included, that do a lot of great things.

Me: Sure. So, you can order a-la-carte.

Erik. Right. Pick and choose what beliefs resonate with you and helps you to feel empowered and positive and that gives you something you know you deserve.

And it’s not a rap on the knuckles.

Me: So, you can says that divorce as a sin is a belief that doesn’t serve you.

Erik: Yeah.

Me: So, divorce is mostly because the spiritual contract with that couple is finished?

Erik: Yeah, in some cases. The cool thing about contracts is that they’re only over when you’re fucking ready for them to be. You might not be willing to put any more energy into it, and that decision doesn’t have to happen after you’ve beaten the shit out of each other. Whatever choice you make, first run it through your heart. Does is FEEL right? What’s the first feeling that you have when you think about no longer waking up next to that person in the morning? If your first feeling is sadness, maybe you should run it through your mind and think about it some more. Maybe you want to work on it a little more. If your first feeling is, “Phew! Thank god!” then you’re ready to move on.

Me: That’s probably true with all relationships.

Erik: With relationships, yeah, but with every choice.

Me: Fascinating stuff!

Robert (laughing): He’s blowing on his fingernails and wiping them on his t-shirt.

Me: Yeah, you’re all that and a bag of chips.

Cocky little guy.

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Elisa Medhus

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