
Me: This blog member said she was driving and in the car next to her, this guy was grinning and waving at her. Then they’d go stoplight to stoplight, and he’d do the same thing. She said she thought it was you, Erik. The guy looked a lot like you.

Jamie gasps and says, “That is so bizarre!”

Me: Can that happen, really?

Jamie: Yes! That is so wild. I’ve had that happen with other spirits.

Me: He’s done that to a couple of other people in the past. Blog members. So, Erik, are you guilty?

Erik: Guilty as charged.


Jamie: I was just asking him, ‘How do you do it?’

Me: Yeah, Erik. How do you do it?

Erik: I just body hop.

Jamie (laughing): He makes it sound so casual. It sounds so wrong.

Me: Body hop? Cool!

Erik: Yeah. You get into somebody. It’s just like trance channeling, but you’re not really channeling. You’re just kind of pushing, um—

Me: Pushing their soul a little bit to the side? Is that it?

Erik: Uh huh.

Me: So, they’re not conscious of what they’re doing?

Erik: No, no, no. They’re not. They don’t know they look like me.

Me: Wow. That’s so cool.

Erik: It’s like superimposing my image on top of them, but I’m not making them behave any differently or anything. They just know that they wanna be happy and wave to the person next to them.

Me: So, they are conscious of their driving, their surroundings, etc., but they don’t know they have your image superimposed on them. Superimposing your image on top of them—how does that work? Do you morph their faces, or…

Jamie (laughing): He was just telling me, ”No, I don’t warp their faces, because that’s an invasion of privacy.”

Me: I would think so!

Erik: It’s more like if you had a projector.

Me: Oh!

Erik: Like an illusion—something out of The Matrix.

Me: Oh, okay. That’s cool.

Erik: Where—


Jamie (to Erik): Slow down and tell me!

Erik: It’s like fucking with someone’s brain and their perception of—

Jamie: He’s talking about how somebody can look in one direction and clearly can’t see the elephant.

Me: Mm hm.

Erik: Cuz they’re not expecting to see an elephant. Then 30 seconds later they look back and they see an elephant. Well, their brain already knows what it wants to see, and if it’s in perfect alignment where I know I can get a sign across, that they’re going to be receptive to it, that it’s going to register with them, get them excited, then I’m going to use someone—use a physical body—and superimpose my image on top of it. It’s easier if they already look a little bit like me, you know.

Me: Oh, so you probably choose someone that—

Erik (laughing): Already has the hair? Yeah. Yeah, the hair.

Me: The “do”. So, were you trying to send her a message or were you flirting with her or what? What’s the deal there?

Erik: I wanted her to know that I was watching her.

Me: Oh! And why?

Erik: Seriously. If I want to get a message across, I’m not going to do it by being in a car waving at her. That’s pretty cheesy.

Jamie and I giggle.

Me: So, why did you want to tell her you’re watching her?

Erik: Because she, like a lot of other people, have a little bit of doubt, and they just need to know that somebody is lovin’ on ‘em, you know, and that they’re not alone.

Me: Aw. That’s so sweet.


Dear Reader,

The journey on which you’re about to embark will take you through stories that are deeply personal and involves a relationship between a mother and her son.

As a physician raised by two atheists, I had no personal belief system about life after death. In a word, I was a confirmed skeptic. As my journey progressed, my mind opened. It is my sincerest hope that yours will open as well and that you will have a greater understanding of your own life and what’s to come ahead.

Although Erik sometimes paints a rosy picture of the afterlife, time and time again he stresses that suicide is not the answer to one’s problems. If you struggle, please understand that the information in my blog and my book is no substitute for professional help. Please click here for a list of resources for help when you find yourself considering taking your own life. Know that they are readily available when you feel that hopelessness and despair that many of us feel from time to time in our lives.

I refuse all donations and ad revenue on the blog. It is my dream to one day establish a nonprofit organization that delivers a variety of spiritual services for those who have lost loved ones to suicide and cannot afford that assistance on their own. It’s a mission of love, sacrifice, and dedication.

Love and light,


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Elisa Medhus

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