Erik Does it Up Big!

OMG guys, I had such an eventful day yesterday. When I announced that EVP contest, I got to thinking, “I should try that!”n My current voice recorder is kind of old, so I reluctantly decided to buy a new one, the ZOOM H1. I say reluctant, because I’m mentally challenged when it comes to these devices: setting them up, figuring out all that file and folder nonsense, etc. I avoided purchasing the Tascam recorders which allow you to manipulate sample rate, gain, and other things I totally don’t understand.

In the last session, I asked Erik why he hasn’t come through when I’ve tried to record him with my old piece of junk. He told me the new recorder would work better and asked me to sit in his room, invite him in, and just talk to him and ask him questions for 5 minutes. So I did. Then I placed the recorder on his chest of drawers, slinked out of the room and closed the door. I made sure to do it at a time where everyone was out of the house and the TV was off. Thirty minutes later, I check the recording. Nothing for a long while. I guess he was working on manipulating the energy of the recorder; I don’t know. But then I heard distinct sounds: clapping, knocking, tapping, etc. And there were REALLY loud as if they were made right next to the mic. I also heard another voice, female, that seemed further away. It kind of sounded like a voice you’d hear from a loudspeaker: “Please don’t park in the white zone. Unload passengers in the blue zone.” This is just an example. Those are not the actual words. Sometimes they seemed to be a repetition of the phrases but other times they  seemed different. I couldn’t make out the words though. Now here’s the interesting part. When I uploaded the recording to iTunes and played it, there were no sounds. I uploaded it to Audacity, then Quicktime. No sounds. Nada.

As if Erik wasn’t busy enough, he played a major prank on my grand daughter, Arleen. I was on “date night” with Rune, and during dinner, her mom, Michelle, called me sounding a little unsettled. At first I asked her not to call during date night, but she persisted, so I listened. She said Arleen cam bursting into Michelle and Shane’s bedroom and climbed into their bed, eyes as big as saucers. (Well, not really, but you get the idea.) She said that the water bottle by her bed started spinning, then the rocker switch on the overhead light started to move, too. The light went off and on, off and on, off and on. She said she was really, “freaked out.” When I got home, I interviewed her to hear her version of the story. Here’s a video of that interview:

Pretty dang cool! A spirit’s energy has to be extremely strong to move things physically, but two things? Plus it’s not like the bottle just moved an inch, it spun. I guess Arleen will be sleeping with Mommy and Daddy for awhile!

Tomorrow, I’m going to post a conversation that gifted blog member, Jesse Sulam, had with Erik, then Monday, we’ll enjoy our regular guest blogger, psychic medium, Kate Sitka. If you haven’t already booked a session with her, please do. As you can see, she’s amazing. Also, please send your prayers to her and her mother who was just diagnosed with having a brain tumor, glioblastoma multiforme. Right after I got the news, a blog member sent me a fascinating article about the use of cannabis (I think the oil) in this tumor and the miraculous effects it has had on it. I recommended the legal form, CBD oil, which also has purportedly had beneficial effects on cancers of all kinds. So, I guess we need to listen to our boy! It’s a shame that those with cancer, even those who are terminal, shun the use of this “drug” because of social stigma and legal issues. I’d take my chances if it were me.

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Elisa Medhus

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