Erik, Phone Home?

The weirdest thing just happened while I was practicing my channeling with Erik. I had told my brain to “shut down,” a command it obeys only with great reluctance, then proceeded with my usual greetings of love, gratitude and longing. No sooner had I posed my first few questions than the phone rang, interrupting my focus. I felt really irritated by the intrusion, because it seems to happen like clockwork. The phone will be completely silent until I begin to channel. Furthermore, I felt even more frustrated when I saw “Unavailable” on the caller ID. Fuming, I waited until whatever message the telemarketer was going to leave on my answering machine. But what I heard made my heart stop. Although there was some static, I heard the following in what seemed to be Erik’s voice: “Hey, it’s Erik. It’s Erik.” Then the line disconnected. I raced over to the machine to replay the message and the message count read “0.” Frantically, I pushed the “Play messages” button anyway and heard, “You have no new messages.” Why hadn’t what I clearly heard been recorded? That machine records everything, even the dial tone when the caller fails to hang up within a millisecond following my greeting. Dialed the number on the caller ID and received the message, “The number you have dialed is out of service.” Looking for some sort of angelic message, I added up the digits of the number and that sum is 55, my age. That might be a stretch, but seriously, Erik!!!! Leave a freakin’ message next time, Boy!!!

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Elisa Medhus

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