Erik on Surrender, Part Four

A blog member brought another Abby Normal YouTube to my attention, and I wasn’t pleased after watching it. I couldn’t stomach watching the whole thing, but she started out saying how Erik woke her up with a terrible smell, therefore couldn’t possibly be an angel. Ivan Teller has videos about Erik that are similar. For example, he said that Erik dishonored God Source by committing suicide. When I interviewed King Henry VIII Friday through Emma, I started the session by asking Erik about this and he claimed that both were being hampered by human and religious filters. He doesn’t have a dark side to him in the least, otherwise he wouldn’t be doing all the good he’s done for so many around the world. I feel like he’s being slandered and don’t know what to do. Maybe I’ll have a longer session with him to clarify things. But please don’t attack these two people. I don’t want to add to the negative energy they’re already creating. Sigh.

Me: Is there any difference between surrendering and accepting and letting go? Are those all the same?

Erik: There is a difference.

Kim: When he puts me in surrender, I feel completely transparent like here’s an example. Let’s say I put myself through some radical spiritual ritual in some foreign culture. I put myself through it, but I don’t identify with it. I just go through the experience. For me, I feel completely transparent because I don’t identify with it. I have no attachments to it.

Erik: Accepting is more about bringing things in like expecting.

Kim: The vibration is just slightly different. When he talks about acceptance, it’s almost like hosting something.

Me: So like accepting this religious ritual as a truth?

Erik: Yes.

Me: Okay.

Kim: And like rejection, yesterday at the church, if I bring in and accept it, then I’m hosting rejection and that feeling. Instead, I try to let go as much as I can.

Erik: Letting go is all up here. (He points to his head.) It’s about a choice. We ask how long is the pain going to hang on, but it’s us. How long are we going to hang onto it. We regurgitate things over and over just to make sure we still know ourselves as that suffering person. As soon as we can let go of that identity, we surrender and know peace.

Me: So, let go so you can surrender. In terms of losing you, Erik, I’m supposed to let go of my attachment to my being a grief-stricken mother and surrender. Is there any acceptance? Does acceptance come into play at all? Am I not supposed to accept your death?

Erik: Absolutely. First you have to be able to coexist with something because if you don’t, then you’re in resistance. If you can’t accept it, then you’re resisting it. So, first you have to be one with it, and then—

Kim: Well, Erik it’s reallyC hard. Is it actually possible for a mom to detach from being “Mom of Erik?”

Erik: You don’t have to detach from the identity necessarily, but detach from the responsibility like, “This person’s life is my responsibility.” That’s what moms and dads do. They host that responsibility. When you can maintain that, “I’m a mother” thing—

Kim laughs.

Erik: –without hosting responsibility for my life, cuz we often carry that shit—

Me: Oh, yeah.

Erik (hands making a tiny box in front of his chest): We carry it so close, and we nurture that bag of shit. I don’t understand why people hold that responsibility so close like, “I’m responsible for what that person does.” You can’t be responsible for what anybody else does.

Me: It’s so hard because we are responsible for them when they’re little and helpless, when they’re little infants. We’re responsible for feeding them, clothing them, bathing them, wiping away their tears, etc. So as they grow older and have more responsibility for their lives, it’s really hard to let go of that.

Kim: Yeah.

Erik: Compassion without pity is key to not hosting that responsibility. You have to be smart about it as they grow and develop their own discernment and become self-reliant. Then we detach, and they’re their own person.

Me: Yeah, they’re their own person. They stumble and they fall; we hate to see it, but we don’t want to pity them because when we do, we’re saying we don’t have faith in them to overcome, to prevail.

Erik: (Thumb on his chin, tapping his ear with his index finger): I want to listen to her now.

Kim laughs.

Me: Well, it’s true. We want compassion. Anyway, back to acceptance. Accepting is the opposite of resisting. It’s letting go of that resistance, right? Is that what you’re saying?

Erik: Yeah, when you’re in a place of acceptance, when you allow yourself to coexist with something that’s a terrible event like the loss of a job, allow yourself to be with that experience. Then, you’re in a good place. If you can’t accept it or don’t allow yourself to coexist and you have to prove why you’re right and that’s wrong, then you’re in a state of resistance. Then, you’re feeding your own suffering.

Me: But do you have to accept in order to surrender?

Kim: He doesn’t like to word, “accept.” He changes it to coexist like to be with.

Me: Oh, okay. So, for example with Kim’s situation, she’s to accept/coexist with the experience that happened to her being kicked out of her church in order for her to surrender and totally let go of it?

Erik: Yep, she does.

Kim chuckles.

Kim: That’s what he was talking to me about this morning because I was still kind of feeling crappy like, ‘God, that’s just so…’

Erik: Kim is trying to deal with not being accepted.

Kim: I went through this whole phase, as a medium, where everybody thought I was a witch, so I had to hide it, and that sucked.

Me: Terrible.

Kim: I kind of went back into that emotional state yesterday where I’m like, ‘Oh, man.’ So he’s like, “Why do you need acceptance from that place? Why do you need to feel accepted by them? That’s your attachment. You need to look at that and coexist with it.” Everyone is like, “Oh, you need to call the deacon up and let him know this and that, blah, blah, blah,” but why? Why?

Erik: You have to coexist with it meaning you have to be transparent to it.

Kim: I don’t fight it and I’m not for it or against it. I’m just with it.

Me: Okay.

Kim: I don’t know why he won’t use the word accept. Accept means bringing in.

Me: Maybe it means you want it. Maybe that’s what he’s saying. There’s a want or desire. “I want it to be like this.”

Silly me. Of course he’s already explained that accepting requires hosting while coexisting doesn’t.

Kim: Yeah.

Me: Well, I will have to say that I think what happened to you was the height of hypocrisy because I thought Christians were supposed to love and open their arms to everybody. I know Jesus must be rolling in his grave! Jesus did not say anything against mediumship. That was all put into the Bible at the Council of Trent. They wanted ways to control people, so they struck out any mention of reincarnation. They made mediumship taboo and so on. It was all a way to control the masses. It’s a shame that Christians, Christians, would treat you like this and reject you.

Kim: Yeah, it was terrible because, you know, my husband’s whole extended family goes to this church. I mean, there are probably 30 of us at least. I dropped the kids off at Sunday School, and we’re all standing around and he says, “Can I talk to you for a minute?” I said, ‘Sure.’ So he took me clear upstairs in the office and said, “We’re not sure that what you do aligns with our beliefs. We’re not sure you can maintain your membership here.” So I said, “Okay!” My son said, “What’s that mean, Mom? Did you get kicked out of the church?” So I was like, ‘Oh, here we go!’

Me: The same thing happened to me.

I told a story about how the mother of Annika’s friend died of an overdose so I offered to do anything to help before or after the service. She knew about Channeling Erik and had me babysit her giant dogs because “We’ve had some break-ins in the neighborhood.” Great, leaving a defenseless woman in a dangerous place? She just didn’t want me setting foot in the church.

Kim: It’s so sad. I kept hearing from Jesus, “Many will hate you in my name. They claim to know me, but they hate you because of me. That’s really not knowing me at all.”

Me: No.

Kim: That gave me some peace. It is what it is. So we’re trying to figure out how we’re going to raise the kids. We need to get real with ourselves here.

Me: Look for a Unitarian church. They’re open to everything, which is wonderful. Erik, we got off track. Is there anything else you want to say about surrendering?

Erik: Tatastu.

Okay, I have no idea how to spell that word.

Kim: I don’t know why he’s saying with an Italian accent because it’s Sanskrit.

I ask her to pronounce it again.

Kim: It means, “So be it.”

Me: So be it.

Kim: Yep. It’s like “amen” in Sanskrit. It’s my favorite word.

Erik: When we look at surrender, whatever we go through in life, be able to say that. “So be it.” That will help you surrender.

Me: Let it be what it is.

Kim: Yep.

Me: And try to look at things as experiences instead of attachments. I think that’s probably one of the easiest ways for ME to look at it. ‘That’s an experience. It’s not part of my identity. I’m not attached to it. It’s just something I’m experiencing.’

Erik: One more thing I want you guys to think about. When you go through life and shit happens, because it will—that’s life—instead of saying, “Oh, no!” say, “Oh, well.”

Kim laughs.

Me: Oh, I like that!

Erik: Because “Oh no. Oh shit!” Then all of a sudden you’re in resistance.

Kim: He thinks he’s hilarious.

Me: I like it, though! Oh well. Tatastu.

We laugh and close our usual way.

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Elisa Medhus

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