Erik’s Orb?

howdy! after a month of reading the archives, i finally figured out how to join the group! yayyy! so anyways, last week it was late at nite. my family was all asleep, so i was goin thru the archives on my phone. the lights were off downstairs and the tv on but volume low. as I was reading, something caught my attention. about 7 feet away to my right, just over my reading glasses, was a bubble lit from within coming toward me. i tilted my head down to peer over the glasses to get a better look (and also to be sure it wasn’t a reflection off of them). it came in front of me and crossed over to the left side of my head. it was about 2 to 3 inches in diameter. i closed my eyes and said thank you! i had seen orbs in pics and videos, but never with my eyes. never needed proof of the “afterlife” because i’ve had countless experiences. now i believe he found one that i didn’t have! way to go! love it! and thanks again!! much love to yas all!!

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