Evolution, DNA and All That Junk

Me: Tell me about evolution. It seems weird that, in 50,000 years or whatever, we’ve gone from a little microbe to this point by evolutionary pressure alone.

Erik (chuckling): Why? Cuz what we are now is pretty lame?

Me: Oh, Erik! Seriously. We’re so complex, biologically. How can it just be from spontaneous mutations?

Erik: Remember, Mom, we had alien influence.

Me: So, as you said before, they somehow inserted DNA into ours.

Erik: God is an alien too!

Jamie and I laugh.

Me: I can’t remember what you said. I think you said they inserted other pieces of DNA into ours, right?

Erik: Yeah.

Me: Is that the junk DNA? You know, there are those bits of DNA that we don’t think are anything. They’re useless like wisdom teeth and appendices.

Erik: Oh, they’re so fucking useful!

Me: So, the junk DNA? That’s what they inserted? (Pause) Or not.

Erik: Well, we can’t generalize it like that, because there is other DNA that’s just as important if not more so that the aliens helped with.

Me: So junk DNA is not purely from aliens?


Me: Or is it that they did, but they also contributed other DNA?

Erik: It’s a good healthy mix across the board. They didn’t create us. God didn’t hand create us. Damn, a lot of people are going to be pissed off.

Me: I know. I’m already in the hot seat right now with the Hitler thing!

Not again.

Erik: Evolution shaped the shit out of us, and interaction with other life forces that we might call aliens, also helped shape us. So, it’s a healthy combination. Now, if you wanna believe that evolution is completely in God’s hands, then yeah, Yeah. If that’s what your belief system is, then, hell yeah, God shaped us.

Me (chuckling): Yeah, cuz God is an alien! We’re all aliens! What am I talking about?

I guess that’s true since God is All There Is.

Erik: Thank you! Thank you! There’s my mom!

Me: What’s the junk DNA for?

Erik: That’s like people not knowing what the appendix is for now, and then it acts up and we totally cut it out because “it doesn’t do shit.” Fuck yeah, it does shit.

Me: Well, is it dormant and starts doing its thing later?

Erik: No. It regulates the healthy bacteria in the—what’s the fat one?

Jamie: You mean the large intestine?

Me: Oh, the colon?

Erik: Yeah.

Jamie (giggling to Erik): You forgot the word “colon”?

Me: Is that all it does?

Erik: Yeah.

Me: So, it just helps the poop chute.

Erik: Yeah. It helps us stay healthy. But people get rid of that shit and they don’t know. They get all these allergies and this gluten crap.

Me: Okay.


Be be sure to subscribe to the Channeling Erik YouTube Channel HERE.


Dear Reader,

The journey on which you’re about to embark will take you through stories that are deeply personal and involves a relationship between a mother and her son.

As a physician raised by two atheists, I had no personal belief system about life after death. In a word, I was a confirmed skeptic. As my journey progressed, my mind opened. It is my sincerest hope that yours will open as well and that you will have a greater understanding of your own life and what’s to come ahead.

Although Erik sometimes paints a rosy picture of the afterlife, time and time again he stresses that suicide is not the answer to one’s problems. If you struggle, please understand that the information in my blog and my book is no substitute for professional help. Please click here for a list of resources for help when you find yourself considering taking your own life. Know that they are readily available when you feel that hopelessness and despair that many of us feel from time to time in our lives.

I refuse all donations and ad revenue on the blog. It is my dream to one day establish a nonprofit organization that delivers a variety of spiritual services for those who have lost loved ones to suicide and cannot afford that assistance on their own. It’s a mission of love, sacrifice, and dedication.

Love and light,


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Elisa Medhus

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