Fear Tactics

Channeling Transcript

Me: Okay, now what are earth’s lightworkers? You mentioned before that they planned a special mission before incarnating. What else can you share with us about that?

Erik: Lightworkers are those people who choose to come back. It’s not like they have to or anything. We talked about that just a little while ago, like how some people choose to come back to give something to the world.

Me: Yeah.

Erik: So they choose, uh, they come back consciously in spirit—energetic healers, prophets, speakers, all of those are lightworkers.

Me: Interesting. Okay, here’s another fascinating question. Why is there fear, and how was that energy created? Where does it come from? Do we plan fear into our lives as part of our personality so that when we come here we can overcome it? Is it this environment on the planet that makes us fearful or do we just develop it over time from the experiences we have here?

Erik: Fear comes from ego. It’s not a soul level thing. And there’s a lot of reasons for humans to have fear: A fear of not being good enough, a fear of not being able to do something well. Fear helps to develop ego and ego helps to develop fear. They go in a circle. Fear usually is an absence of connection to spirit—not complete absence, obviously, but a relative absence on a particular issue.

Me: Yeah.

Erik: It’s developed through the environment and it just is. All humans have fear of some kind. So, it’s when we don’t have the connection to the love in a situation or with an issue. Fear is the absence of spiritual connection, meaning it’s the relative absence of love, meaning it’s the relative absence of light. It’s part of that duality that’s so important in the human experience. When we overcome fear, we rediscover love. We rediscover our spiritual divinity. And when we go through that cycle of fear, overcoming fear, finding love over and over in every issue that we gotta address, well, that’s the point of spiritual enlightenment, isn’t it?

Me: Yeah, I guess peeling back the fear reveals the love and our connection with spirit, then?

Erik: Yep. And as humans, you wouldn’t be able to see that connection with spirit without some component of fear. It’s like you have to have the fear so you can peel back that layer and, ta da, there’s the love, there’s my connection to spirit. Kinda like a magician whipping his hankie away and there’s a vase of flowers.

Me: Yeah, I guess we have to put that extra step in there for the contrast, but sometimes duality really sucks.

Erik: I know. It can make life a crock of shit sometimes, but it’s a really powerful tool.

Me: Wish we could just have some special truth goggles to see what see need to see. Be a helluva lot easier.

Erik laughs.

Me: Speaking of fear and freaking out, when will aliens prove their existence to us, and are some here to help us?

Erik: I love this part of it! All of this makes me really excited! I’ve always been kind of interested in this stuff.

Me: Aw!

Erik: This is the coolest thing, Mom. They’ve been here for thousands and thousands of years. You know, the talk has been around for a long time about how the pyramids were created, and it was an alien force. There are many who come to help the earth, especially now as the earth is kinda going through some shit—whatever it is that’s supposed to happen. I’m not even sure what that is yet, not completely, anyway. But I do know something’s coming. Do you know, Mom, that all other planets know that the earth is in trouble. Everyone knows. And so they’re trying to help as much as they can. Some people are even channeling—other life forces, getting information. Like I said before, some are living among humans helping or getting ready to help.

Jeannie: I can tell you about that too, because I actually have two clients that when I channel them, what comes through is a panel of galactic beings.

Me: Wow, really?

Jeannie: Yes, I do have those two clients, and it’s because they’re here to tell people on the earth certain things.

Me: Wow, how awesome! Well, like I said, we sure can use all the help we can get! Sometimes we have to burn things down to build something new. Maybe that’s why we’re suffering such chaos now.

Jeannie: Yeah. Yeah.

Me: It’s the storm before the calm.

Erik: That’s true, Mom. And when I find out more about it, I’ll let you know. Each of these aliens have specific roles, the ones that are there on the physical plane, the ones that are on other planets, and the ones that are in the spiritual dimension.

Me: Good, I can’t wait to hear what you find out, Erik! I’m also going to ask you about the whole history of these galactic beings and galactic wars sometime here in a future session.


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Elisa Medhus

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