Harmony, Chaos and Comfort

Erik pestered Robert to no end to share this piece–channeled from his Higher Self–with the Channeling Erik Family. As is everything from our Robert, it’s wonderful!
“Harmony, Chaos, Comfort:  The Divine Triad.  Questions and Answers”
 Are viewpoints which create Chaos (or Fear) wrong and what purpose is served by them?
There is no right or wrong from the perspective of ALL THAT IS. Right or wrong is something we generate within ourselves. If it feels uncomfortable, that is a clue the Higher Self is providing.  It is saying what you are feeling is the opposite of what you wish to experience.
Understand that in the greater scheme, attitudes in alignment with Chaos exist so that we have a choice.  When we choose to go with a particular viewpoint it is for the purpose of experiencing how it feels, with the end result being an opportunity to ask more questions. As the Collective experiences each type of choice, the facet (or individual) slowly works towards the Higher Self goal, which is to experience “both sides of the coin”.  One side of the coin represents a life in alignment with Chaos (or Fear), and the other side provides Harmony (or Love).  The Coin itself represents Comfort.  All three (Harmony, Chaos, Comfort) unite to create balance.
 Can or should we try to change others who choose to be in alignment with Chaos?
To state one can or should attempt to overtly change another comes from a place of judgement and ego. It inherently says my view is better, or more Spiritual, than yours.  Claiming possession of a viewpoint comes from Ego.  Stating a claimed viewpoint is better infers judgement.  All perspectives, ultimately, are steps along the Spiritual path. All that is required along this journey is to be the way you feel led to be. If being a light to others by taking loving, unbiased actions is your calling, then do that. If being the opposite is where you are led, then so be it. If seeking balance amongst all viewpoints is your calling, tread that path.  All choices influence The Collective. All provide opportunities for further seeking.  All open up new choices and opportunities for expansion. The first shows others how having a Lightness of Being produces joy, compassion, empathy, and so forth…all of the so-called loving attributes. The second is an example of exclusion, anxiety, judgement, etc…all of what we humans call fear based traits. The third is a mix of the first and second paths.  No matter the choice, they are all of the same coin.  All are part of ALL THAT IS. Each provides their own versions of Comfort. Each provides their own types of wisdom. One resides in the realm of Harmony. One is with Chaos. The other is both.  All are necessary.
Aren’t we trying to move away from the Negative and be All Loving?
ALL THAT IS (We) will always provide both Harmony and Chaos. Each facet, or personality, comes into the physical realm to get a taste of each and then make their choice. Some will choose Harmony (Love), others will strive for Chaos (Fear), and some will seek a balance between the two. None of us ever stays on one side or the other, because doing so will mean we are not moving forward. Consciousness desires to be ever changing.
Are those in alignment with Harmony separate from those who choose Chaos in the Non-Physical Realm?:
There is no separation between those who have chosen Harmony and those with Chaos because we are all One. Such a division would indicate a lack of Unity. We are a Collective…a “Soup” of Consciousness. There is the Illusion of Separation, however, and is created by each individual’s perspective and their desire to be with those who resonate in the same way as they do.
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Elisa Medhus

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