He Never Ceases to Amaze

Happy Saturday, peeps! Today, Lukas is moving out of his place at College Station because tomorrow is the deadline. Unfortunately, he isn’t allowed to move into his new place for several weeks so we’re going to have to store all of his crap everywhere: in the garage, in rooms, on the back porch, etc. 

Enjoy these awesome Erik stories, and don’t forget to send in your own! If you want Erik to visit or prank you, just ask and keep your mind and eyes open for fun.

Story #1

I think I have just been punked…in a nice way. I’m binge-reading the blog after finding you a few days ago. Funny thing is I hang out with mediums and have been through a mentorship myself but had never heard of Erik. There are other interesting “coincidences” that I’ll skip for now.

Anyway…I’m sitting next to my husband who is on his iPhone and suddenly music started playing. Not a strange occurrence except that’s it is coming out of my iPad (which is like another appendage to me, not a new and mysterious gadget) and I have no music purchased on this device, no YouTube window or music apps open that are capable of doing this. The first song was All I want for Christmas is You by Mariah Carey. The play list carries on, Didn’t even know the next song, Don’t You Know?, and I’m finishing this as a third song, J pop song called You’re the Only One plays. I live in Japan. My husband is a programmer, and I asked him if he was playing this somehow. “Wish I could!” He said. Just checked my iPad again to see what’s going on. Still can’t figure it out. Hmm…

Story #2

Hi Elisa!

I have been a quiet faithful blog member since losing my brother Justin to suicide in July 2014. I was exploring the Channeling Erik site shortly after his death and came across the section Request Facilitation from Erik. At first I felt a little hesitant, is this really possible? Would Erik help my brother (who never believed in the possibility of mediums and channeling)? Could Erik connect with Justin to help communicate with me? Or for my parents who are inconsolable still? I believed in the possibility and I asked Erik in a prayer to please bring Justin through in my dreams? I imagined Erik and Justin meeting and smiling and shaking hands. Lastly, I silently thanked Erik and told him how much I enjoy you Elisa – just love your personality and compassion and humor. Being a part of Channeling Erik reading daily has been such a comfort and I feel blessed and thankful. And then I waited. Boom! Justin came through in a slew of beautiful colorful dreams where I heard his actual voice and hugged him and smelled his neck and cried and had conversations with Justin! So many dreams, every week. It gets better…

I found a reputable medium who I purposefully didn’t give any information to except my name, Alexis, and my brother’s, Justin. The reading was very similar to watching Jamie and Kim channel Erik. It was clear and accurate with names and dates and specifics…I felt absolutely connected to Justin. Until one comment the medium says leaves me completely dumbfounded. The medium says, “Justin is saying “Erik.” Believe me, I know after all this time of being a blog member and sending this personal prayer out to Erik…for some reason I draw a blank. I said, “I don’t know anyone named Erik. I scanned my brain for friends, coworkers, old boyfriends, friends of my late brother….No no I don’t know an Erik! (The medium tells me my brother is insisting on the name ERIK!!!) 6 months later, the Erik comment still stuck with me as the only information the medium gave me that just didn’t make sense! Until duh…yesterday, I am studying for my nursing boards and BOOM!…I start laughing and laughing…I am so sorry Erik! Yes I know who Erik is! Thank you Erik! Thank you for meeting my brother Justin and thank you Elisa. I love you and your sweet family and all the other blog members out there. My love to you.. Alexis

Story #3

I really enjoy reading your blog and listening to your youtube interviews. One evening I was reading the blog and started dozing off….you know, the head bobbing falling asleep that sometimes happens as you are reading in bed. All of a sudden, I had a vision of a white wooden door and Erik poked his head around and smiled at me! I had no doubt that it was him!

Then two days later as I was just starting to wake up I heard my name being called by a young man’s voice …”Gloria, Gloria, Gloria”

I love that he stopped by to visit and hope he stops by again.

Story #4

Last week I was reading about other people’s Erik encounters and I yearned very strongly to have one while asking him for one. A couple of days later I was taking an afternoon nap laying on my right side. About an hour after I had fallen to sleep I felt someone sit on the end of my bed and touch my left butt cheek like they were trying to wake me up. I was still tired so I pretended to be completely asleep just ignoring who I thought was my brother, the only person with a key by the way. This person also set something on the bed in front of my chest then they left me alone. Well, about 5 minutes later I felt bad about ignoring my brother and got up to see what he wanted from me, BUT he was not there and later found out he hadn’t been there at that time. I check everywhere and all the doors are still locked. I’m confused and interestingly I can still feel the sensation of the touch on my butt. I didn’t think of Erik at the time, BUT the next morning I was listening to Elisa & Jamie asking about two universes merging when Jamie started laughing about Erik’s demonstration with his butt sticking out like he was bumping butts with someone else. I got a good laugh about it and then a light went off in my head that it must have been Erik who touched my butt knowing I was going to listen to that episode the next morning! I would like to know what he put in front of my chest, though. I haven’t figured that one out yet. Maybe the answer is in another episode.

Elisa, I am soooooo enjoying the interesting questions you’ve come up with in the past 6 months. And of course I love listening to your answers, Erik. You’re both doing an awesome job!! Thank you……Love & Hugs……….Cindy

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