I’m a Believer!

I found Channeling Erik almost a month ago now and I think I have watched and read everything Channeling Erik has to offer. Well one night I was watching a video and Erik’s mom had ended in a statement she’s used before “watch-out for Erik’s pranks” I thought really he couldn’t possibly reach out to bloggers from all over and how would they know they difference between it being Erik or whatever other phenomenon people come up with?

Needless to say I was leaving work and I have this chain that holds my government ID, FRAC, office key, and Metro Card all on one ring. So I had just got off work and once I got outside the Federal building I pulled this chain out with my left hand (I’m right handed) which was strange in itself because I normally don’t use my left hand for reaching and grabbing things.

As I’m walking to the Metro I realized I was still holding my chain in my left hand so I went to place it over into my right and BUT when I opened my right hand, my FRAC was in my right hand! I was so baffled, how did it get there it was just on the ring chain with all my other nick knacks… I stood there for minutes… Smiled and said to myself ERIK!

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