Intense OMG Moment

Last night was the most amazing night of my life, as spiritual epiphanies go. I’m a very light sleeper and tend to wake up several times during the night. Since grandbaby, Arleen, was spending the night in our room, my sleep was particularly fitful and broken. In the wee hours of the morning, I woke up to the sounds of her soft breathing, and looked over toward her crib. But I couldn’t see anything, because there was a large foggy shape right next to my side of the bed. It was around five and a half feet tall and maybe one and a half feet wide. I scrutinized it closely while my heart pounded in my chest. There was no golden glow, just a soft greyness. Then, the fog began to transform into the shape of a woman. Facial features appeared. They were rather coarse. Then the hair, salt and pepper grey, short. She seemed to be around 60 years old, rather homely, but her eyes exuded kindness and contentment. Somehow I recognized her, but for the life of me, I couldn’t figure out who she was. I stretched out both of my trembling hands to touch her translucent figure, and she gently took both my hands in hers. I was overcome by a sense of alarm, delight and awe as I realized her hands seemed solid to the touch. Then, she began speaking to me, but I was so stunned by what was taking place, that I couldn’t concentrate at all on her words. At first, all I could think about was that her mouth was not moving while she spoke. Then, I thought, “Oh my God! It’s true! There can be no doubt in my mind anymore! This spiritual being, whoever she is, is the indisputable proof I’ve been seeking that there is an afterlife and that Erik is not gone forever! Erik can come to me like this, too. Erik, come!! Come to me, Sweetie!” As I anticipated, with elation, a tangible, physical visit with my son, the woman slowly dissolved, and I could once again hear Arleen’s quiet baby breaths. Something (or someone) nudged me to glance at the time. It was 4:56 A.M. I’m not sure if that’s an angelic numerical sequence, but it seemed to have some sort of significance. My entire body was trembling with disbelief and joy, so took me another hour or two to fall back asleep.

Now, I know that eventually, I’ll have such visits with Erik. It may be days, weeks, months, or even years from now, but he is with me. He has not dissolved into the cosmos forever. I share this story to bring you the same sense of hope that now fills my heart and soul. Your loved one never dies.

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Elisa Medhus

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