Little Things That Make You Go Hummm…

I’m new to CE in the last month or so, and hesitated to post these since I’m still not sure that Erik would have visited. But, every day I am either reading the blogs or watching the videos, etc. As a result, I’m always mulling things over in my brain about the latest Erik posts.
About the same time that I had come upon the CE pages and videos, I had to change the batteries in two smoke alarms in the house. One is right outside my bedroom doorway, and is on the wall towards the ceiling. It is a style that the cover is attached to the wires that come off of the base on the wall…so when you undo the cover, it hangs down about 4-5 inches. The cover has to be aligned or it will not attach at all, and then turned in a groove for about two inches for it to be secure. Which I had done. The alarms were silent with the new batteries.
A few days later at bedtime my dog was on the bed next to me , from where I cannot see outside of the bedroom, but the door was open. The television was on, but turned low. My dog is hyper sensitive to any little sound or movement. He raised his head and stared very ‘seriously’ towards the door for a long minute or two…even tilting his head a bit. But, he didn’t bark or or go check anything out, so I figured it was no big deal if he didn’t bark. He then put his head back down to sleep. The next morning I walked out of the bedroom and past this smoke alarm – the cover was off and hanging by the wires all the way down where I couldn’t miss them. The cover can’t just come loose on its has to be turned with some effort to make it come off. Plus, the corner of a poster that hangs on the wall below the smoke alarm had a corner turned down in a perfect roll. Not like when adhesive gets old and lets loose. In fact this was new tape on the back. Since re-attaching both of these, they have stayed put. After changing the batteries of the alarms, there was a day or two where we would hear a faint beeping of a smoke alarm, but we would re-check all of them, and they were fine – no beeping. Then we would hear it again, very muffled and distant. Just for a few minutes on and off for a day or two, and then it stopped. Nothing since.
There have been some weird computer things when I’m reading CE related things, one even made me change my FB password because I thought I’d been hacked. And maybe I had been.
I had convinced myself that it was too soon for Erik to have done any of this. But, I have to wonder. I will feel silly if I find out that Erik is innocent!

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