Little Trickster

THE RADIO SHOW HAS CHANGED TO EVERY MONDAY: Tomorrow at 7 PM CT is Erik’s Hour of Enlightenment radio show. Call 619-639-4606 15 minutes prior to talk to Erik. Topic: Seeking Approval.

Also, I left out one of Sassy Mantras’ YouTubes. Check this out because it’s funny!

Last but not least, I want to thank everyone who donated to blog member, Trell W.’s, PayPal account to help him get back on his feet. Here’s a reminder for those who haven’t donated but wish to: 

To all blog members:

God Bless! My wife past away little over a month ago! Her friends and relatives took everything we had and left me homeless, penniless! I have children and they were taken away because of the situation I was in then and now! I not asking for much but need to get back on feet to get my girls back! I need financial help ASAP! May spirit guide you I your giving! Thanks! My PayPal email address is:

Here are some wonderful Erik stories:

Story #1

Woke up one morning to get my children ready for school. While going through my usual routine of washing my face and brushing my teeth, I went to apply my eye cream, and it had vanished. I always leave it in the same spot but when it couldn’t be found anywhere I had a very clear sense that Erik was pranking me. I knew it would reappear in time, and sure enough there it sat just as plain as day the next morning! I know in my heart it was Erik, and I communicated this to him, “like caught ya”, and I immediately felt that it was true.

My 12 year old son suffers from tics and I know Erik suffered in his human life with tics, so I’ve begun asking Erik to help him, to guide him, guide me as to the best way to help him. My 14 year old daughter suffers from social phobia and is home schooled because of it. She is the one who discovered Channeling Erik and introduced it all to me, and I ask Erik to help guide her as well.

I know he is, and I’m so grateful to you Elisa for Erik. It helps us tremendously to read and watch all of the Channeling Erik videos.


Melissa Flynn from Lingmont, Co.

Story #2

I’ve been, for lack of a better term, cracking into these blog posts. Most of my down time is spent trying to get my 6 month old to sleep in her room with white noise. We also have the Internet equipment set up in there. A few nights ago I was feeding the baby and noticed funny flashing lights on my modem.

“Huh, must be an automatic reset or something…” but as I watched the lights flicker in a weird pattern, they stopped. Turned off completely and restarted. In the year I’ve had those devices, never once has something like that happened.

I feel so connected to Erik and I believe he’s guiding me to great things. I haven’t taken my anxiety medication in a week, though I wasn’t heavily dependent. More like a pill to take off the edge of life. I know there is a great, powerful reason I’ve discovered Erik and Elisa. I just hope my guides and Erik work with one another to help me get there!

Love to everyone!

Story #3

Hello Elisa,

I have been planning to write to for few days now, but just got around to it. I felt I needed to share my experience with your awesome son with you. I’m pretty sure I have had MANY encounters with Erik, but I always let my skepticism get the best of me! Well… he finally proved me wrong. I BELIEVE.

Let me just say first, that Erik found me around 2011. A few months after I found out I was ill. I have been a part of the CE family ever since. I will say, it has changed my life. Tremendously!

So, let’s fast forward to about two weeks ago, when I was dealing with one of the hardest times of my life. My husband and daughter joined me in our backyard because I needed fresh air and a good dose of Mother Nature. It was early evening. here is where the bunny comes in… We have been seeing a little bunny in our yard every time we go out there…. he hops out of a bush when he hears us and tries to come closer to us. We nicknamed him “Baby Bunny”. It wasn’t until this particular evening that I thought I heard Erik say “it’s me!… pay attention “. My mouth dropped open and I told my husband.

Another important part of this story is I wholeheartedly believe that Erik visits me and sends me signs at 4:20pm/am frequently. Anyway… so… a few days later, I wasn’t feeling well and found myself in not a very healthy state of mind. I was just plain tired of battling. Next thing you know, my daughter says “look! Baby Bunny is here!” … and guess what time it was?? that’s right! 4:20pm! He confirmed it again by showing be 420 while reading online later that night. Today I was reading your post about haters… and guess who showed up? Thank you so much, Elisa, for sharing your “Baby Bunny” with me and the rest of the world!

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