Loss of an Ability

Let’s continue our series on loss:

Me: Tell me a little bit about the spiritual aspects of a loss of an ability, Erik. There are so many examples like someone becoming a paraplegic, someone becoming blind or deaf, etc.

Erik: It goes back to attachment again. You’re focusing on something that you’re still attached to that isn’t there anymore. You don’t have access to it. Same thing as I said before. You gotta detach from that, and attach yourself to something new. When you’re a quadriplegic, you’re paralyzed from the neck down. That would have been so fucked up to me when I was alive that I don’t know if I could have handled it, but there are so many things at this time where you can still do a lot with your life. It’s a perfect opportunity for people to go into themselves and start to reviewing their lives so they can gain wisdom and different perspectives about themselves and about the greater good that they can bring to the world and that other people can bring to the world. Then they can go and share that. Many of them are setting themselves up to be fucking awesome spiritual teachers and role models.

Me: Ah! Yeah. Well, what about those who have lost a mental ability? What if their cognitive abilities are declining?

I need to know that personally. Make it snappy, Erik.

Erik: With this you often lose the ability to be aware because everything is filtered through the mind, but until that happens, you need to start coming to terms with it and do some prep work so that once you completely lose those abilities you’ve found yourself, calmed yourself, found a sense of peace. You’ve worked through all of your shit. If you do that, when you do completely lose it, you become a happier demented person.

Me: Some people with dementia are very angry and some are so sweet. Some actually become sweeter when they lost all cognitive abilities. Why are some so angry?

Erik: For some people, the anger is a lesson for themselves or for other people.

Me: Like the caregiver?

Erik: Right. The caregiver. They learn how to not be judgmental, how to be humble, how to nurture someone, what true compassion is and how to put the demented person’s interests ahead of their own, and shit like that. A lot of times the person hangs onto anger because there’s a lot of shit they needed to go over that they didn’t allow themselves to do. That takes a lot of vulnerability, courage and humility. There are some people who were so nice and sweet before they got demented, and then they get totally aggressive or even violent. That’s an example of someone who might have been completely aware of what they needed to focus on but chose not to, or it can be a person who didn’t recognize, on a conscious level, the things that happened to them in the past that were really violent. Before they got demented, they didn’t even know that they needed to work on that. But it doesn’t really matter why a person acts or is the way they are. We shouldn’t judge them, because there is always a lesson in there.

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Everything is energy. God is Energy. Erik Medhus

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