More Erik Encounters

Story #1

I’m not sure how to explain this but I’ve been home sick this week with summer flu so I’ve had a lot of time to spend in my craft room doing painting etc. I had read  not long after it came out and honestly hadn’t watched any videos, followed blogs etc. I have had a lot of loss in my life and recently have been very disconnected to my youngest son, which is causing me great heartache and yes depression of sorts (not suicidal at all,) but sadness. It’s a long story. Anyway, all of a sudden, out of the blue I got a feeling or thought to look up Erik, so my computer being behind my painting, I immediately did, and have been just hooked on watching the videos. Well, today, my first day out since illness I dropped by my favorite Barnes and Noble thinking the new book might be out, and I begin to have dialogue with Erik in my head (not even sure why) but I basically said, okay if I see this book on the shelf as I walk by then I’ll buy it, and then I’ll know your around tough guy. Wrong thing to say, because I shopped around, and just as I came around to the last aisle before I was to leave, my eyes got freaking blurry (I’m 51 so my eyes get blurry but I had my glasses on,) I stopped and blinked a few times and what do you know was right in front of me? A blue cover of a book with Erik’s picture called My Son and the AfterLife. I had to laugh, whether messed with or not I was talking to the air and said I’ll by the new book the day it comes out! Just had to share whether I’m crazy or not.

Story #2

I dont always fall asleep out in the den in my chair, however,one night I was up late watching TV and fell asleep. My microwave is running- no secs displayed. Only my husband was on the couch to my left. Around 4-430 am that morning, I just woke up. I lay here for a few mins and my microwave in the kitchen turns on. I get up to see and yep,the microwave is running with no time on it. Only 0. I have to admit, I did laugh. I thought it was funny. So a few weeks later, same thing. I am asleep in the den; I wake up for no reason; I’m sitting here smoking, and I hear the microwave turn on. I laughed again. My husband is a little freaked out, which honestly makes it even funnier to me. I love that Erik does it, and I have no doubt it’s been him. Side note: I was in a horrible car explosion in 2008 and was in Augusta Burn Unit until May of 2009. I died twice and was in a coma for 5 months and had a 3% chance to live, but -Ta da!! Im here 😉 I think its wonderful what y’all are doing, and I agree, laughter heals from within!!! Thank you 😉 Tracy P

Story #3

I lost my grandma in March 2014. I have a special needs uncle to look after. He’s 63, but will always reason like an young boy. My family turned terrible. My uncle has $ he saved, and it has been hell on Earth to fight for his permanent freedom. I have flat-lined before and had a very trying life with active/inactive PTSD, horrid childhood, and I fight for human trafficking now. I am ex government. My friend gave me the book about Erik and immediately doors started moving back and forth. The TV would go off. Then, I learned I was very sick again as I just beat pancreatitis. I had to fight sick. I would experience very comforting orbs at night. My bad family saw this as a chance to attack my uncle’s freedom….again. Then, my ex called trying to pretend he was a nice guy and wanted to date. My outlet started sizzling and buzzing. He runs an electric company so he had to come clean he had a gf!! He said he could not come over to help because she would find out. It immediately stopped making noises after he came clean. Erik has saved me a few times and been a constant reminder not to stop. I loved his descriptions of the “light”and getting thrown back in your body in the book,”My Son and The Afterlife.” Everything is spot on. I had a job to do, and Erik is here to remind me of that. Take care of my precious uncle who I love dearly, no matter my plight. I truly admire Erik. Life is hard, but you have to keep on keeping on.

Story #4

I was up and early preparing an English final draft. I created a peaceful space and allowed the creative writing to flow onto the paper. It was looking beautiful! I was very deep into thought and spirituality when all of a sudden the thought of Rick Ross barged in with his deep, low “hoh” that he makes with his voice in some songs. Followed by that, “boss” which was then followed by Rick Ross’s song “You The Boss” which began playing in my mind. The end thought was of Erik. I was very surprised as it was a very perfect moment for him to visit and create that message. I felt I was doing well. It gave me extra confidence! This was Erik’s way of stealing my attention while using music. Quite often “they” will use lyrics with me to bring across direct messages, only they don’t link it to a direct being like he did. Keep in mind, I have not listened to any rap music for quite awhile for obvious reasons. In the first few seconds of the song, that is when the “hoh” is introduced in case anyone was interested in the sound he decided to draw attention to. I have laughed about this visitation since!

Love and Light,


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