More Erik Pranks

Sorry for the lack of an intro. Michelle is doing her “clinicals” for nursing school all day today and tomorrow, so I’m taking care of baby Easton. Plus, I don’t have anything to say. Okay, I went on girls’ night last night with two girls from my neighborhood and Robert, and we had such a great time. Whenever Rune is off racing, we like to get into all sorts of trouble. While the cat’s away, the mice will play! We did ask about the election on the eBoard, and the results were disturbing, but I do it more for fun because I know change is just one free will choice away. The results: Hillary will win but she’ll be indicted and then impeached making Tim Kaine our new president. So there we go. An intro of sorts. 

Story #1

I found out about Erik’s story on YouTube and I have been watching videos almost every night before I go to bed. I love what he says and his sense of humor. I read that Erik will visit people all you had to do is ask- well I asked.

I am an empath and I also see spirits and can communicate with my relatives either thri EVP or telepathy. I believe one night Erik came to me to tell me everything was going to be ok. I was very upset and despondent because I lost my Mom in January and now my Dad lives with me and he is dying of cancer. Things get overwhelming at times so I asked Erik for his advice. Suddenly a feeling of calmness came over me and I could hear him telling me it was going to be ok. And to remember that.

So a few nights ago after watching some Erik videos I asked Erik to come and visit again. – well last night I fell asleep on the couch after filming the many orbs in my house on my iPhone. After I woke up around midnight I picked up my phone and started to look at the pictures. Much to my amazement there was a picture of me sleeping and I was covered by spirits – most of them smiling. I posted the picture on a paranormal site and someone noticed that the word elk was on the picture. Well it didn’t say elk it said Erik. Lol and I also noticed that Erik himself was one of the spirits who surrounded me as I slept. I knew I had been pranked. I am so happy he did that. It really made my day and it is just more validation that we don’t ever die we just move on to a different location. Thank you Elisa and Erik – You are changing lives for the better ??


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Story #2

I have just written a story about how I think Erik was in my apartment and there was a noise made as if something dropped to the ground, yet nothing fell, and then the next day, something even more miraculous happened and I know that it is Erik!

I keep a small vase on my table with 2 white flowers and a longer stem of green leaves. Usually the vase is arranged in such a way so that the flowers face the front of the room. That day I moved the vase a little to the left but I still kept it in the same way, with the flowers facing the front of the room and the green stem leaves in the back of the flowers.

Well, I left for a few hours that day and when I returned home, I looked at the vase and it was moved so that the green stem of leaves was now facing the front of the room, a little to the right. I never remembered looking at the vase and seeing it like this! I immediately thought how weird this is and I right away thought that Erik did this. I was a little spooked but more than that, so thankful that I can feel his presence and I love his playful side!

Thank you Erik for being around and helping us mortals out.


Story #3

Hi, I had a very cool experience last night. I just started listening to the latest radio show replay on Paranormal Radio where Elisa asks Erik about what he thinks about his new nephew, when I thought I heard a male voice for a moment. I got some goosebumps, went back to listen again and the goosebumps got really, really strong! I started to laugh and asked out loud if it was Erik and then I got the strongest case of goosebumps I’ve ever had and they really lasted awhile, too. Even as I write this they are starting to tingle. I also felt a cool breeze around my third eye chakra.
I discovered Channeling Erik in a way that can not just be a coincidence 2 months ago and it’s changed my life, even though I am not new to this “lifestyle” or these concepts. Every time I feel the urge to tell someone about CE I get goosebumps. I know he thinks it’s cool that I’m spreading the word. I live in Norway and as you know it’s unusual to be spiritual. (I am from the US). I have an appointment with Kim in a couple months and I can’t wait!!

Thank you, thank you, thank you , Erik, Elisa, Jamie and Kim ( ps. I just loved reading Erik’s book and Jamie’s book!)

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