More on Matter

As promised, I asked Erik more about the nature of reality through Jamie. Very cool stuff. Enjoy!

Channeling Transcript

Me: Okay, now let’s go on to another question. God, this is gonna be tough, so brace yourself, Sweetie. I asked you about it through another channel, but I want to see if you can provide anymore details. As you know, I’ve been reading a lot about matter is created, how reality is created, and there are a couple of theories I’ve been reading about. One is the Wave Structure of Matter Theory which has to do with interacting spherical waves and the other is the Vortex Theory which claims that electrons, protons and neutrons are holes in space and vortices connect them in 3-D and 4-D space. Argh! It’s so complicated for me to grasp. So, is there any truth to these two theories?

Jamie: When you talk about the vortex, he puts his lips together like he’s going to whistle but he only makes a blowing sound.

Me: Okay.

Erik: That’s just to blow wind up your skirt.

Jamie and I laugh.

Erik: It’s a brilliant idea, but it can never be proven.

Me: Oh, really?

Erik: Yeah, and you’ll see that in the next 5 or 6 years, science will be able to identify a lot of what we’re experiencing. The Wave Structure of Matter has more validity, but no theory out there captures the total picture accurately.

Me: Yeah.

Erik: I have a thought. I think it’s so wild that because people take something of the earth, or because they “play” science, or because they make things or put them together, they think they created it!

Me: Yeah!

Erik (with mock importance and pomposity): MAN THE CREATOR!

Me: Yes.

Erik: The more I sit and look at that MAN THE CREATOR, it just blows my mind.

Me: Oh, gosh.

Erik: Because I had that thought: “I can destroy that, and I can create this,” but it’s absolutely not true. It’s a falsity. Worse than wearing rose-colored glasses. Humans think they’re the center of creation in a way, but energy can neither be created nor destroyed, remember?

Me: Yeah, physics 101. So really it’s our perception that creates and destroys.

Erik: You can destroy and create your perceptions.

Me: Ah!

Erik: The only power you have, as humans, is to manipulate, to move, to shape.

Me: And does our consciousness, our thoughts, our free will do that?

Erik: Yes. Our intention on something manipulates it. It doesn’t really create or destroy it; it just shapes it. Intention or thought also shapes our perception of that reality. It’s a back and forth thing. There’s a communication between nature and human, reality and human.

Me: Oh!

Erik: Just think about it, Mom, when you take a walk in a forest, and you look up, and you see these magnificent trees, it takes your breath away.

Me: Hm!

Erik: Just that sight, that smell, that feeling, that experience has changed you.

Me: Yeah! Oh my gosh, yeah!

Erik: It’ll change the way you respect the place, it’ll change how you tell others about it. In the same throw, that awe, that experience that you have, the trees, the plants, the ground, the earth feels it, absorbs it. Our plants and our nature are our best recyclers of energy. Just think of all the negativity and all the wars that are out there; and pollution—how well do you think our nature is recycling now.

Me (somberly): Yeah. What a shame. So, the nature of reality is basically like waves? Do they turn off and on in a particular sequence, uh, does that—I’m reading somebody’s question here—it reality like a river that flows and bends, twisting and turning as it follows the contours of the banks? Do the energetic waves respond to input? Uh, so we know they respond to input, that our thoughts, our intention and attention manipulates them, right?

Erik: Right.

Me: So, what is that “thing” that we’re manipulating?

Erik: Waves. Energy waves. Energetic vibrations. High frequency waves, low frequency waves, this is what we shape like the clay a sculptor molds into a statue. It’s our food. It can affect the growth, the life, the air. It can affect the emotions of a person.

Me: Um hm.

Erik: A thought, our mere internal thinking—the most simple thing we do—creates a change and manipulates the energy vibrations around us.

Me: Fascinating!

Erik: The only thing that binds us is our belief system.

Me: Yeah, our perceptions.

Erik: Exactly. Perceptions. It’s perception that we’re taught that the table is solid. You put the glass down, the glass will stop upon the table. That’s a fixed concept within humans. And it’s very hard for a parent not to teach a child these things.

Me: Oh, God, yeah! And the collective consciousness molds these perceptions and belief systems too, probably.

Erik: Yes!

I’d close with a brilliantly crafted conclusion, but the fam is starving. Gonna cook me up a homemade tamale pie for supper. (Plus, Erik’s a hard act to follow in the brilliance department.) Let me know if there are glaring spelling or grammar errors to correct, cuz my chopped onions are about to burn. (grin)

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Elisa Medhus

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