Nothing to Fear but Fear Itself

I feel bad that this is kind of a short post, but some of the recent ones have been pretty long, so this will give your eyes and brain a bit of a break.

Me: Erik, do you and other spirits have to energetically protect yourself when you go into other dimensions?

Erik: It doesn’t work the same way as it does in the physical world. In your world, a lot of your lessons are about learning to enable yourself, to take care of yourself. You have to surround yourself with white light, cleanse yourself and things like that. Here, you’re fully immersed in awareness of how protection works. You don’t have the need to feel fear. You don’t need to be protected unless you’re feeling fear and we don’t. So there is no need to protect. You’re protected innately because of that lack of fear. I’ll add one more thing about fear. When it comes to fear, it’s not an entity or pattern of energy that can do anything to you. It’s your reaction to having come in contact with it that can make things happen. So fear has no power. It’s your actions when you come into contact with it that has power.

Me: Oh.

Erik: For example, you might become afraid and tense up, and then you start making stupid choices that then creates a hell on Earth because of your fear. There are some people who literally come to Earth to experience fear with no boundaries or limitations when they come into contact with it. People with anxiety and worry a lot have those boundaries and limitations completely removed from being able to process that kind of information, the information from the fear. So they’re constantly immersed in it without the protection of the boundaries so that they can understand what that experience is like. When those people cross over, they can help other people transcend it. That’s what happened with me and, to a certain extent, Aunt Denise.

Me: Oh really?

Erik: Yeah, to some extent.

See, told you it was a shortie! Happy Halloween, guys! Hopefully, Erik will stop by and shout, “BOO!” I’ll add an image to make it seem longer. Yeah, it’s called cheating. Protect your energy before you open the door to those 4 year-old ghouls!


Damn, probably should have found a bigger image. 

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Elisa Medhus

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