Ok Erik… Come on Then!

Hello everyone!
Here is my story of my encounters with Erik. I was watching one of the videos on the youtube channel (sorry, I can’t remember which one.) when Erik said that he visits people who watch his videos and read the blogs. He said that he visits people but if we wanted him to get close to us and “join” with us that we have to give him permission. So, I stopped the video that I was watching and said, “Ok Erik, come on then and I give you permission to join.” And he immediately showed up. I remember thinking, “He’s real!” The best way I can described it is the feeling that you get in the pit of your stomach when you walk into a room and you see someone that you have a crush on. You know that feeling in your stomach? That is what it was like only bigger… more intense. In fact, it was a little overwhelming. So, I asked him if he could back off a little… and he left. That was not my intention but that is what happened. About two weeks later he showed up again. I was watching a video (not one of Erik’s) and there was that feeling again. I realized right away what was happening but I thought it might have been some else because of the video I was watching. It was Erik, I’m sure of that now because I didn’t give anyone else permission. Anyway, like I said I got that same feeling this time it was much more intense but it didn’t overwhelm me this time. I guess the first time was to get me use to it. It was such a great and loving feeling… like I had only felt a couple of times in my life. I walked around my house with a stupid grin on my face. I was supposed to meet some friends at a bar so I got in my car and left and Erik came with me. All in all, Erik hung out with me at the bar for about 90 minutes. I guess he just wanted to have a couple of beers! 🙂 That was several months ago and as far as I know he has not visited me again. I have often wondered why and I always get the same answer. “Your guides and family have got you covered.” I hope he does drop by again and hang out sometime but if he doesn’t… I understand. I will say this. When I decide to leave this place Erik will be one of the first people that I will contact. I look forward to seeing my friend again!

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