Shades of Light

Y’all, I crawled out of bed at 9:00 PM sick as a dog. Fever, aching, coughing, stuffy nose and basically feeling like I got hit by a Peterbilt. I think it’s because I kissed all over Arleen after the baby was born, trying to give her a lot of attention. So, I’m just going to post an old post so I don’t have to edit or anything. 

Speaking of the baby, Easton, he’s all sorts of shades of orange now because of neonatal jaundice, so Michelle had a hard time rousing him to eat. I told her to call the nursery, but she didn’t want to so I told her to just put him out in the sun for 7 – 10 minutes every two hours. That seems to have done the trick because he’s almost normal on the Orange-o-Meter. The dog, Cade, however, is having problems. He guards what I guess he thinks as his new puppy with a vengeance. Anytime Easton even whimpers, the part Rhodesian Ridgeback gallops into his room to check on him. The problem is now he has bitten two people who are not of the immediate pack when they got close to the baby. I hope this can be rectified. It’s cute that he loves the baby and all, but I don’t want people getting hurt. I sent Michelle a great article with tips like 1) Never allow the dog in the baby’s room and that will establish the baby as an alpha. 2) Don’t let the dog lead on the leash when on a walk with the stroller. Instead, the stroller should lead. 3) Give him plenty of exercise to drain off that aggressive and nervous energy. 4) Don’t let him put his snout right up to the baby because that’s him establishing ownership of it. There were more. I just can’t remember them now. If you guys have had experience with this, let me know whatever advice you have. Of course we can kennel the dog every time outsiders come over, but that would make Camo miserable. He’s so social and friendly and playful. 

Okay, here’s the post. This one has one of the most helpful description of good and evil. My guardian angel, Veronica, comes in to help. Have a happy Monday, guys.

Me: Alright, I’d like to get a little clarification on the concept of evil and demonic spirits. I’ve had some tell me there is no evil, that all is Love and all is good. So, are we dealing with semantics here? Are there evil or demonic spirits, and can they harm us?

Erik: Absolutely. Yes. There’s always polarity: light/dark, happy/sad, good/evil.

Veronica: So just as there is light and dark, there is good and evil. This is a battle that’s been going on from the beginning. They can harm if one allows them in, and they have already caused harm to the earth and people.

Me: Mmm.

Erik: Where do you think serial killers and other beings that do horrible things throughout history—

Me: Is it some fabrication? I mean, I thought that God is really All There Is and that the Light is all there is. Of course we need the duality, so are evil and fear-based elements sort of fabricated as a tool so that, through contrast, we can become aware of who we are and so that God can experience Herself or Himself?

Veronica: It’s hard to explain. It’s one of those things you find out when you come over here to the other side. Now, Erik’s going to speak.

Erik: From my perspective, Mom, you know that I used to watch what went on in the world and around me. My way of thinking wasn’t like everyone else’s. So I saw a lot of contradictions. A lot of them.

Me: Yes, I know. You said the same thing through Kim and Jamie.

Erik: I saw a lot of sadness, but joy too. I saw kindness and cruelty. I just couldn’t live with all that bullshit. People would be nice one day then mean the next. They’d be pleasant to my face but say such shit behind my back. I felt off-balance all the time.

Me: I know, Baby. I know.

Erik: Not from you, but—

Me: No, I know. I totally understand, Sweetie. You were so kind to everyone and it was hard for you to grasp why people could be so cruel in return. I definitely saw that conflict within you.

Veronica: Back to what you said, you’re right. You’re right in that part of it was for us to come willingly to seek out love and kindness and joy.

Me: Yeah, but you can’t see it if it’s right in front of you without contrast. I guess we have to slog through the dark forest to get to the sunlit meadow.

Veronica: Exactly.

Erik: And to answer your original question, Mom, everything is just a gradation of good or of Light. What you call evil or demonic is just at the lower end of the spectrum.

Me: That confirms what you said through Jamie.

Erik: Yeah, I know, but I’m still learning about all this. It’s pretty deep shit.

Erik and I laugh.

Shades of Light

Shades of Light

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Elisa Medhus

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