Spirit Phones

Easton Gage Murphy, my new grandson, was born at 10:24 AM yesterday, and I swear he’s so cute he looks like a porcelain doll. Here are some pictures and videos:

Proud Papa

Proud Papa

Video with Daddy

Sucking His Thumb

Enough of Mimi’s bragging, although I’m sure other pictures will follow. Sorry. 

Me: Spirit phones. You know, people really want to pick up on this subtle light energy and here from them and all of that. What frequency range do we need to probe? Give a really narrow range if you can. Also, well, this is a separate question for Erik: “Do you leave these EVPs on purpose, and why do some of your words record but not everything you say?” Let’s start out with the frequency for the spirit phone.

Robert (laughing): The first thing he did was sing, “Hello—

Me: “From the Other Side!”

He was singing Adele’s new hit.

Robert keeps singing.

Me: Belt it out, Robert! You have a nice voice! And so many people are going to listen to it, too!

Robert: Oh, god. I’m sorry, peeps. All I heard when it came to the frequency—and I know nothing about this, so this is all Erik—34.7

Me: Okay. Is it megahertz or hertz?

Erik: The people that follow that will know.

Me: So do you leave your EVPs on purpose. You’ve left so many of them on radio shows—

Erik: Everything I do is on purpose, Mom. And the words that I leave for them are the words they’re supposed to hear. What I like to do—this is really fun for me because you know how I like to fuck around with people but at the same time get them to thing—I leave this message that might be one word, then it’s garbled, then another word. That’s because I like to make them think, “What’s going on?” They use their fucking head that way. I don’t just sit there and spew everything out so you know without having to think about it and what it meant. It’s my little way of getting you to use your own intuition and, at the same time, your critical thinking.

Me: Well, why can’t you just record everything that you say?

Erik: Because of what I just said, Mom. I’m teaching something.

Me: But can you just not do that anymore?

Robert laughs.

Me: Because it’s annoying.

Erik (Laughing): Mom, when have I not been annoying? Just ask Michelle.

Me: I know. Just at least on one radio show. It’d be so cool if you said everything, but maybe it’s not possible.

Erik: Anything is possible. I’ll make a promise to do my best if my other guides allow me because I’m not just doing this all on my own.

Me: Oh, yeah.

Erik: I’ll see if we can’t have something come out as a full sentence.

Me: Okay, that’d be cool. So, last but not least, sometimes—

Robert: Oh, he said something else, now.

Erik: By the way, there are some limitations on how clear the message can be because the state of human technology, but soon people will be able to take an EVP and get rid of the static and distortion that happens with the shifting of patterns, sound waves or whatever energy there is. It’s like cleaning up a video that’s grainy.

Me: Yeah, okay. Sometimes your voice sounds like you—a mother knows the sound of their own kid’s voice—but sometimes it sounds like somebody else. Why is that?

Erik: First, this is one of the lessons I was talking about. I would give you a few words or a sentence and then it’s garbled. That’s one of the ways we’re teaching you how to clean that up and further human evolution from the technological perspective. And then your question was—

I repeat it for him.

Erik: It’s to make you aware of the fact that I’m not just Erik. I’ve had a lot of lifetimes as all different kinds of people. Sometimes you hear me as Erik, the little kid. Sometimes you see me as Erik, the little kid. Sometimes you hear me as other voices, but it’s still all me. You know there have been times when people have heard my voice, you included, where it didn’t sound like me but you knew it was. You could feel it.

Me: Yeah, right.

Erik: It’s to show you I take many different forms and sound many different ways.

Me: All these lessons. They’re so boring and annoying!

Erik: But it’s to expand your mind! The one thing that is constant in the universe is change. The one thing that never stays consistent is form.

Me: Yeah, okay. But one person analyzed when you said, “Minions!” and said you were using my vocal tones to create that. Is that true or not?

Erik: I have a very strong connection to your energy so I can use the energy you have along with mine to project something out.

Me: Oh, okay.

Erik: I think that’s where they’re coming from. On some level, I think they realize it’s a collective effort. Now, Jamie is a part of that, too and so are the people who might be in the room, but it’s strongest with you.

Me: Aw, that’s so sweet. I love you.

Erik: I love you, too, Mom.

Our usual closing remarks follow.

Gary E. Schwartz, PhD. is actually working on a spirit phone and thinks that before long we’ll be able to talk to our loved ones as though their off to college abroad! Won’t that be amazing?

Oh and don’t forget about Erik’s Hour of Enlightenment radio show tomorrow at 5:00 PM PT/7:00 PM CT/8:00 PM ET. Think of a question, and no more than 15 minutes before the top of the hour, call 619-639-4606 to ask Erik it. To listen to the show, click on the “Listen” icon on the right sidebar of the blog or click HERE

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Elisa Medhus

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