Stop Messing with my Mouse!

So, I was reading through the CE blog members group and I was reading about someone asking if Michael Jackson or Elvis were in the queue and someone said they had already been interviewed. So I went over to the CE to search for them so I could read them. Found it, then tried to start reading and my mouse was going nuts like I was right clicking the mouse, you know, you get that box that says , “back, forward, reload..” but I wasn’t even touching it! lol no matter where the arrow went it would “right click” over the article like 5 times! (just prior to this I gave Erik permission to “prank” me or be with me.) So finally I just said out loud, “Can I just read this please?!” lol It was like talking to one of my kids. Erik is such a funny guy. I knew it was him immediately! God Bless you Elisa for sharing your son with us!

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