Substitute Teacher

Welcome back, students. Miss Elisa will be away for a week or so. I will be the Substitute Teacher for several classes.

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ST = Substitute Teacher            Erik = Erik

 (For relatively recent visitors, this is the same substitute teacher that fouled this nest on several [or maybe more than several] prior occasions.)

 ST:       So, Erik, I have to ask how you’re here when close relatives are packing and travelling to the Northern Way, abbreviated NorWay.

Erik:     They’re close, everything’s close. There is no such thing as far away, except in the movies. We don’t need no stinkin’ badges!

ST:       You’re not smoking again in this classroom, are you?

Erik:     (Exhaling a long stream of cigar smoke….)  No.   

ST:       Oh, good. So, who came up with the great idea of ending the answer by having a bell sound, “ding!” ??

Erik:     I did, from watching TV game shows.

ST:       Is there any form of broadcast entertainment that cannot be watched from Heaven?

Erik:     Heaven sounds too religious, so….let’s go with it! No, everything’s available. Even if it wasn’t broadcast on radio or television.

ST:       So if we wanted to watch a “live” performance of Shakespeare at the Globe Theater (excuse me … “theatre” – thank you, Erik [Don’t mention it….{takes another puff}]) in the 16th century, we could?

Erik:     Yes and throw popcorn, too.

ST:       They didn’t have popcorn at 16th century London performances!

Erik:     We can change it! Make an amendment!

ST:       Somebody else already used that phrase, to suggest the ever evolving world?

Erik:     Yeah, he did! (Wink, wink…..)

ST:       We’re supposed to be in class and solve that problem on the board, aren’t we?

Erik:     It’s harder than solving the problems of life, I’ll tell you that.

ST:       What do you mean? Or should I say, how?

Erik:     The answer seems simple but lots of equations lead there. You could have 0.01+0.76+0.2+0.03 as your problem and its answer would only give you a quarter of the solution, complicated as it starts. You could also have this problem, (26x/x) +6/8 which has mysteries in it but unlike that last crap we made up, it gives the whole answer. What I’m saying is, the problem seems complicated when you’re going through it but the answer is simple once you’re done.    

ST:       So how are solving life’s problems easier?

Erik:     The answer is inside you.

ST:       OK, how do we find it?

Erik:     Look for it.

ST:       Duh…why didn’t I think of that? So simple!

Erik:     It is but looking inside isn’t a habit for a lot of people. Taking a different approach means a habit isn’t going to be followed.

ST:       So we need to create a new habit!

Erik:     Ding!

ST:       So….when do the world economies collapse?

Erik:     Now.

ST:       They haven’t collapsed.

Erik:     How fast do you want it to happen, then?

ST:       Not at all.

Erik:     The more people that share that attitude, the slower it’ll happen.

ST:       But it can’t be avoided?

Erik:     Yeah, it can but not enough people really want to.

ST:       Why not?

Erik:     Who thinks they can control the economy? But together, everybody does.

ST:       Do humans worry too much?

Erik:     Yes and no. Yes because there isn’t a need to but no, because there IS a need to.

ST:       Balance?

Erik:     Yup and it’s different for everybody. Ding!

ST:       Our last topic of this session; politics.

Erik:     (Shows up wearing a black tuxedo, stovepipe hat and kissing a baby) Yes?

ST:       All these USA political scandals, did the President of the USA know about them?

Erik:     Of course. He ain’t smart and dumb at the same time.

ST:       So should anybody be surprised?

Erik      Some people will, some expect it. Others don’t care and the decision is, should anybody care? See, if you don’t pay attention to it, you pay attention to something else and that has influence on you.         

ST:       What subject do you want for the next class?

Erik:     I’ll decide on Saturday. (Takes a big pull on his cigar and exhales another long stream) Class dismissed!

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Substitute Teacher

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