The Afterlife According to Erik (and Adam): Part Two

For this tough question, Erik calls upon an expert, Adam.

Channeling Transcript

Me: Erik, does the afterlife evolve after we do? I understand what you’ve said about how the afterlife evolves for us as individuals, but what about as a collective? I mean, do they have computers there now? Let’s see, does the, um, no wait—

Erik: No.

Me: Wait, what? There are no computers?

Erik: Mom, we are the computers. The whole afterlife, the whole Universe, every dimension in the Universe, uh, I mean every dimension in every Universe is made of information. Waves of information.

Me: Whoa, that’s really fascinating!


Me: So what was the afterlife like for the cavemen and cavewomen when they died? As humankind evolves, what happens to the afterlife?

(Long pause)

Jamie: He’s getting somebody to help him. (short pause) Erik was mentioning earlier that where he is, everything moves like music.

Me: Hm!

Jamie: But the way he said it had such an incredible visual with it. So everything goes in harmony; everything moves like music. Nothing bumps against anything else, nothing defies the existence of anything else.

Me: Oh, wow!

Jamie: He says that everything that is, is.

Me: Okay.

Jamie: That’s my new favorite sentence!

Me: Yeah, I like that! Over here, right and wrong bump into each other, so I can understand how nice that must be over there to not have that clash.

Jamie: Oh, yeah! You’re right!


Jamie (savoring each phrase): Everything moves like music; everything’s in harmony. That’s my favorite sentence!

Me: Yeah, I like that!

Jamie: Um, there’s a very large gentleman in here now.

Me (jokingly): Oo, maybe it’s a caveman!

Jamie (laughing): I kinda think of cavemen as more short and broad.

Me: I know. I’m just joshing.

Jamie: This one is going past my door, and I probably have those industrial doors, so they’re about six and a half feet.

Me: Uh huh.

Jamie: So he’s easily seven, seven and a half.

Me: Wow, really?

Jamie: Adam. (short pause) He says his name is Adam.

Me: Oh, okay.

Jamie: He says that’s a simple name, but he says, “You want it to be simple.”

Jamie and I chuckle.

Jamie: So I said, “Okay.” His name is probably a lot longer.

Me: Oh, yeah, I bet.

Jamie: He says hello to you.

Me: Hello back!

Jamie: He says he’s been conversing with Erik. “E-rikkk.” His consonants are very clear.

Jamie giggles.

(Long pause as Jamie listens to Adam speak)

Jamie: He’s not (pause) from Earth.

Me: Oh, okay.

Jamie: In our terms, we would call him from a (pause) giant realm.


Jamie: But he’s the keeper, uh, he likes to see himself as the keeper of Earth’s history.

Me: Oh, wow!

Jamie: And the question was, uh, what do cavemen see when they died.

Me: Uh huh.

Jamie: He says that the (long pause as Jamie listens.) Life on Earth at that time was still considered new. God’s source had not divided itself in so many ways. It was more pure. Lower vibrations were being experienced and enjoyed.

Me: Ah!

Jamie: Survival. Eating. Joy in simple ways.


Jamie: And it was such a blessing to have it. So narrowly focused, not on enlightenment, but on survival. That way, God could experience Itself this way. Reincarnation is still (pause) reincarnation was still instated? Hmm. I guess he’s saying it existed then.

Me: Okay.

Jamie: So when they passed away, the Light Source would bring them close and then put them back into life on Earth.  It was the joy of separation that was the thrill, the excitement—the joy of separation and growing outside of the Light Source.


Jamie (to Adam): So Light Source and God Source, is that interchangeable for you?


Jamie: Yes. He calls it “Light Source,” but he knows our terminology is the word, “God.”

Me: Oh, okay.

Jamie: He says “Light Source” expands to other life forms as well. It’s not just based on Earth.

Me: Yeah. That makes total sense. You know, how “God” is dividing and experiencing Itself, just like the pool of consciousness or whatever–It’s evolving too.

Jamie: He smiles really big, sorta boy-like.

Me: Well, Adam, thank you!

Jamie: Aw, he bows his head, he says you’re welcome, and he says he will continue to be at your disposal.—you and Erik.

Me: Aw, well thank you, Adam!

Jamie (chuckling): He waves to Erik. Erik says, “Thanks!”

(Adam leaves)

Me: What do you call “Heaven?”

Jamie (laughing): Erik says, “Home.” He says, “Well, Home Base!”

Me: Home Base? So you got to Home Base, Erik? Finally!

Jamie (giggling): He’s laughing!

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Elisa Medhus

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