The Afterlife Interview with Buddha

I’m very concerned for those in the Carolinas who are in the crosshairs of Hurricane Florence. Thank got it’s not a Cat 4 or 5, but most fatalities are water related and this one, especially if it stalls as they expect, will be a wet one. Please pray for those in danger and set an intention for Florence to weaken and move out of the way quickly. 

My vacation is winding down and although I’ve had an amazing time, I miss you guys so much. I’m very thankful, however, that you agreed to put emails and private messages on hold. It’s so hard to answer them when I’m in vacation mode! I haven’t really been to many places out of the country aside from visiting relatives in Spain and Norway, so going to France was a real treat. I had heard that the French didn’t like American and tended to be quite rude, but I actually am finding the opposite to be true. They’re very sweet and accommodating and, while in Bordeaux trying to figure out the sign with the tram instructions, a local would come up and offer assistance. I’m sure we looked like lost puppies. I swear, if I didn’t have grandkids and kids to miss, I’d love to live in a little apartment in Bordeaux. Of course, I’d get fat as a pig on wine and french food. I have at least 3-5 pounds to shed when I get back. Ugh!

Sorry about the cancelation of the radio show. Apparently the guests couldn’t make it, but we’re on for next week for sure, and I’ll be back as the host. Thank you, Ryan Adragna and Jennifer Doran, for holding down the fort while I was gone! I’m so grateful to them both.

One last thing before Buddha takes the stage: Are any of you guys patent attorneys? I have a simple idea that I want to produce, and I’m working on the prototype as soon as I get back. If so, email me at

Image courtesy of Getty Images.

Have a wonderful weekend, and for those of you in the path of the hurricane, you have my prayers.

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Elisa Medhus

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