The Physics of Death

Me: Energetically, what happens at the time of death? Does something happen to the wave pattern or the frequency of our energy? Does our energy pass into a white hole? What happens from sort of a physics perspective?


Jamie (to herself): From the physics perspective.

Erik: Well, um—

Me: In simple terms. You don’t have to get elaborate, cuz you might not even know, and we might not even understand it if you do, but what happens energetically at death?

Jamie: The visual that comes with it is that he’s showing me a body that’s just recently deceased, and the energy is separating from the matter.

Erik: The energy is separating from the matter it created.

Jamie: The way that I see it in my head is kind of on a cell level, and there are these sparks—it almost looks like when you rub your feet on the carpet, and then you tap someone and zap!

Me: Mm hm. Okay. The sparks are on each cell? Coming from each cell?

Jamie: Yes. Spuck, spuck, spuck, spuck. So that the energy can escape the matter that it created, and this is how the matter is left behind. There’s not like this spontaneous, mass exodus of, um, like—

Erik (to Jamie): What are you doing?

Jamie (to Erik): I have no idea! I’m just trying to watch! I don’t know, but I feel like extremely handicapped today when you’re showing me images and talking!

Jamie (to me): What he’s saying is, um, he’s almost posing a question. If the energy leaves the body, if the soul leaves the body, why doesn’t the body just completely disappear?

Me: Oh my god! Yeah!

Jamie: Right? Because it was the energy of the soul—

Erik: Well that’s the difference! That’s what I’m trying to tell you. There’s this kind of spark, this kind of separation, and the energy that created the body, created the cells, created the muscles, created the bones, is leaving it behind. That’s the whole idea of the death—it no longer wants the body that it had manually created put together and thrived in. That’s why it becomes a shell.

Me: Ah, molting!

Erik: Because when it’s alive, it’s very much connected on every level.

Me: Okay.

Erik: That’s pretty much the first thing that takes place. Instant separation. Pa-pa-pa-pa-pow! I think here’s where lies the answer of spontaneous combustion. It’s those people whose energy couldn’t leave its material makings behind, so it created sparks so violent and so strong that it actually—POW! —Went into flames. These are people that have trouble letting go of everything. Even the body.

Me: Interesting.

Erik: After this, the energy collects. This is the soul energy. And when the soul energy is able to completely separate from the body, it’s able to be identified as spirit. And it still uses the memories and the collection of characteristics that it created throughout that lifetime to journey itself back Home. So, if it believes in the tunnel, if it believes in the spirit, the demons or whatever, that’s what it has to go through until it gets Home. It’s self-powered until it arrives Home, and than it can be delivered a certain kind of truth.

Me: What do you mean by, “delivered a certain kind of truth”?

Erik: It would be a truth that would match that spirit’s understanding. In other words, when the soul arrives, it’s still so connected to human understanding that we have to pose concepts in a certain way so that it can be understood. But then, once the spirit comprehends where it is and has a broader acceptance of knowledge, then we can feed deeper truths, broader truths, and concepts that are larger than the body itself. That’s why we keep saying that when you die, you just don’t get the keys to the city. You just don’t instantaneously know everything, but that speed does depend on your willingness. Your free will. In terms of earthly time, it takes some people years; it takes some people 3 minutes. So, there’s no right or wrong here.

Me: When you say, “We can feed deeper truths,” who are “we”?

Erik: We are, I’m just trying to say in general, the guides that show up and help. So, it’d be that person’s personal guides or angels, or if there was a spiritual counselor that was dedicated to that person, then that’s who would show up. It might be deceased family members.

Me: Okay.


Just a heads up guys:

The Third Annual Afterlife Awareness Conference is coming to St. Louis June 21 – 23, 2013 – featuring Dr. Eben Alexander, Dr. Raymond Moody, Dr. Julie Beischel, psychic medium Suzane Northrop and many other notables in the field of afterlife research.

Register before March 15, 2013 and be entered into a drawing to win a reading with one of our psychic mediums!

The Annual Afterlife Conference
Learn about life after death from the world’s leading experts

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Elisa Medhus

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