Physical Manifestation

A Message from Erik

A Message from Erik

To my wonderful Channeling Erik family: Here is a message that Erik has intended for you as channeled through Jason: Elisa, I have a message from Erik for the both of us and those in the “Family”. Remember how Robert and I talked about Erik learning different ways of manifesting himself? Well he’s been practicing…

The Afterlife According the Erik, Part One

The Afterlife According the Erik, Part One

After a bit of a false start on my part, Erik has much to say on the structure of the afterlife. At first, I ask him questions about death, because I forgot that I already asked him through Jamie during the last session. It’s Hell getting old! Channeling Transcript Me: Do we each have soul…

Kim on Jason and Robert

Kim on Jason and Robert

In an effort to get through as many of the Ask Erik questions as possible for those of you who have been waiting so patiently for the word for word transcript, I skipped an earlier section of my session with Kim O’Neill from September 21st. As I return to that segment, I see that it…

Intense OMG Moment

Intense OMG Moment

Last night was the most amazing night of my life, as spiritual epiphanies go. I’m a very light sleeper and tend to wake up several times during the night. Since grandbaby, Arleen, was spending the night in our room, my sleep was particularly fitful and broken. In the wee hours of the morning, I woke…

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