Borderline Personality Disorder

Crazy Dead People

Crazy Dead People

I’ve noticed that a lot of blog members struggle with not-so-nice spirits hanging around them. Erik gives up great advice on how to handle them. If you like this post, please share! Me: One blog member wants to know this: You said that once a psychopath passes, they’re relieved of their condition. That’s nice to…

Borderline Personality Disorder, The Soapbox Version

Borderline Personality Disorder, The Soapbox Version

A couple of days ago, I posted about borderline personality and one of the blog members wanted to know more about a possible cure for the disorder. Erik had a lot to say on the matter, most of it ranting on a soapbox digressing in all sorts of directions. ADHD still persists in the spirit…

Hero to Zero

As many of you may have noticed, the media gallery with Erik’s videos and photos have been down for a few days, but they’re back up. It was only a matter of an expired credit card. Sigh. I hope all of you had a wonderful Labor Day Weekend. Now let’s explore the spiritual aspects of…

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