Jamie Butler

Heaven’s Dollar Menu

Heaven’s Dollar Menu

Paul was so very touched by all of your heartfelt comments from yesterday’s post. He did want to say that the link I provided for his artwork was not functioning, so I changed it in that entry. It’s http://growingintothemystery.net/2012/01/17/first-some-art-2/ As for the San Diego event, I want to thank everyone for their patience! Jamie’s assistant, Weedie,…

A Message from Paul Hampton Crockett

A Message from Paul Hampton Crockett

Before we get on to the main topic, I’d like to share a lucid dream my daughter, Michelle, had a few nights ago. For some reason these dreams aways involve her going upstairs and this one was no different. She was headed up the first short flight of stairs and saw Erik standing next to…

Borderline Personality Disorder, The Soapbox Version

Borderline Personality Disorder, The Soapbox Version

A couple of days ago, I posted about borderline personality and one of the blog members wanted to know more about a possible cure for the disorder. Erik had a lot to say on the matter, most of it ranting on a soapbox digressing in all sorts of directions. ADHD still persists in the spirit…

Alzheimers, Comas and Mental Illness

Alzheimers, Comas and Mental Illness

As I sit here next to my mother who is hours away from her transition, I was overcome with the urge to reach out to you all with a post. When I saw what subject was next in queue, I realized that synchronicity was at work, as always. You see, my mother suffers from dementia…

From Science to God

From Science to God

Enjoy Part One of this YouTube series with Peter Russell. I encourage to to watch Part Two and Three as well! Peter Russell is a fellow of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, of The World Business Academy and of The Findhorn Foundation, and an Honorary Member of The Club of Budapest. At Cambridge University (UK),…

Channeling John Belushi, Part One

Channeling John Belushi, Part One

Nikki tipped me off to this wonderful lady who will take Erik’s (and of course other’s) o’d t-shirts and makes them into cozy quilts. Imagine wrapping yourself up in that kind of love! And it looks reasonable too–between $150 to $175! Her telephone number is (636)225-1967. I’m hoping Rune gets the hint and gets one…

Phone Conference Calls

Hey All, The sign up for the first channeling conference call (1/23/12 7:00 P.M.EST) is up earlier than anticipated at https://withloveandlight.com/. It’ll be two full hours. The first thirty minutes will be all Erik and the rest of the time you’ll be able to ask your own questions. Details, including times, are on the site and…

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