TV turned on

I have been watching Channeling Erik’s YouTube videos a lot. I’m fairly new to the blog but soon after I joined I had an interesting experience. When I woke, or rather, was on the verge of waking I got a very clear image in my head for just a flash. It was two cupcakes piled high with frosting topped with a cherry. (OK that def didn’t come from me.) Erik came to mind and it made me smile. I started my routine, feeding and taking the dogs out and as I was getting the coffee going….the living room TV came on. I was the only one up, it’s never just turned on before. Honestly, it took me a minute to put it together but it really made me feel like Erik said Hi. Thank you. Oh yeah, later that day or the next I really felt like I was having a conversation with him in my head. It was a good conversation. 🙂 LOL

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