Visit to Erik

First, I’d like to apologize for the problems with the new forum. I think I’ve made a bit of a mess here, but hopefully my daughter, Kristina, can undo the damage! I’d also like to let you know that I posted a link to the media library so you can access all videos, audio files and photos. You can find it in the sidebar under “Links.” If you are channeling Erik, it helps to memorize his voice.

Today, we visited Erik’s grave. It was very painful. With the blog as a distraction, I had almost forgotten to what depths my sorrow could plunge. As I was on my knees sweeping away the grass clippings from the last mowing, cleaning the marker, and emptying the flower vase of all the rain water that had collected since our last visit, I began to sob. But this time, I didn’t just cry for my loss; I cried for your losses too.

Over the last several months, I’ve paid attention to your stories of grief. Some of you have lost brothers; some of you have lost sisters; some of you have lost children; some of you have lost parents; some of you have lost lovers, some of you have lost beloved pets, and some of you have lost close friends. I’ve felt your sorrow as if it were my own.  I’ve felt the tears coursing down your cheeks as if those tears and cheeks were mine.

So when I sobbed into my hands today, I sobbed for you, my new family. I love you all, and I know that Erik does too. I will say a prayer of love and healing for all of you tonight.

Erik Rune Medhus

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Elisa Medhus

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