Was it Erik?

My 4 year old son recently started calling me Momma. This coincides with when I began watching Channeling Erik, I found it so sweet when he decided to start calling me Momma. The first time I heard him call me momma instead of mom I asked him if he decided to change my name. He said “Yes momma I like this better!”And has called me that since. Also just before he started calling me back Momma my on was watching a cartoon on TV at the high point of the show he yelled out “Holy Fuck!”, I don’t curse around my children, this totally caught my attention. Again this was all occurred when I started watching CE. Erik has a bit of a potty mouth so I assumed after becoming more familiar with him that maybe he was trying to get my attention. There have been a couple of other things that I now assume are him. I’m thankful that I found you guys it’s been eye opening and beautiful! Thank you 🙂

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