Will the Real Erik Please Stand Up?

Quick question before we begin. One blog member told me she’s not getting posts through her email anymore. Is that true with anyone else?

Also, I’d like to share an exciting webinar Jamie will be hosting on the 23rd of this month. It involves psychokinesis or moving things with your mind (at least as I understand it.) I’m hoping she will demonstrate how she’s able to bend spoons that way. Girl must run through a lot of silverware. Here’s where you go: PSYCHOKINESIS CLASS

Me: Here’s one from a blog member. “As I understand it, once we cross over into the afterlife, we’ll retain our individuality and are allowed to continue our experience an earthly existence.” I remember you did that when you first crossed over, Erik. “Eventually, we grow out of this need and merge with our true spirit, which encompasses all of our lifetimes, and we shed our earthly persona.” Do you know where “Erik” is in this process? Also, what happens once he evolves away from that earthly persona? Can he easily be transformed into Erik and be available as we remember him during channeling sessions, or do I have this all wrong?”

Erik: No. This dude has this really well described. I did step out of my human Erikness. I had to, to learn everything.

Me: Mm hm.

Erik: And now I am a better version of human Erik.

Jamie (laughing): He’s describing himself as “human Erik!”

Which frankly makes no sense.

Erik: I’m still myself, but I can think, feel much more beyond than I could when I first passed away.

Me: So, you’re Erik 2.0.

Erik: With turbo power.

Jamie and I laugh.

Erik: Yes, and I’ll never lose that definition of Erik just like I’ll never lose all those other definitions of myself incarnated into other experiences. Those won’t dissolve into nothingness.

Me: God. Good.

I would hate to lose my Erik. I remember hesitantly asking this question before, fearful that he would tell me his Erikness would eventually go away.

Erik: They stay alive to help me. I’m just going to talk about it in my perspective, and then we’ll translate it later.

Me: Mm hm.

Erik: But all those characters stay alive so that I know who I am, so that I can have those experiences and build my story to contribute to the whole.


Me: Okay.

Erik: If our character, our personalities on Earth dissolve into nothingness and return to the whole, what good does that serve the whole?

Me: Yeah!

Erik: The whole would have to start over and have those experiences again.

Me: Well that would suck.

I have nightmares sometimes that I had to take calculus all over again.

Erik: Well, it’s like what people believe what human life is, you know, that they die, and all of those earthly experiences and gains just go to waste.

Me: Mm hm.

Erik: It doesn’t. Everything builds upon itself.

(Long pause)

Jamie: He just got really quiet and thoughtful.

Me: Okay. There’s got to be more to it than that. Is there? (Pause) Maybe?

Erik: There’s a lot more to it, but this answers his questions.

Me: All right.

I feel totally unrequited.


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Elisa Medhus

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