Yoda Visits The Committee

This picture appeared on Facebook courtesy a blog member I think; if that’s true, that’s where credit’s due. (What a rhyme, eh?) Yoda the Star Wars character is of course fictional but the symbolism was good; judge by appearance; fooled you shall be. Would Yoda be any tougher to fight with a light sabre if he looked like this? Only a Jedi knows for sure.

Too bad Facebook share prices are falling; it’s the greatest invention ever for keeping tabs or limits – maybe both? – on youngsters.

Let’s ask The Committee about the Yoda-like tone their words seem to have and then both they and Erik will answer questions until quota is breached.

ST: the substitute teacher, C: The Committee & Erik

ST:       Erik, what’s the fascination with British spelling? Every time I type American spelling where British alternative exists, you’re right on it!

Erik:     ‘Cause we have so many readers who use it, it’s a good howdy mat for the blog front door.

ST:         OK, that’s good, you know I’ve read it quite a bit for work, I “recognise” it.

Erik:       But not your spell checker!

ST:         That’s true.

ST:      Our esteemed Committee, you’ve all noted and even laughed at the Yoda reference in your word order. Any comment about that?

C:         It is more typical of some older languages on Earth and is the way thoughts are expressed when attempting to transliterate our thoughts to your words.

ST:       The Star Wars movies; were they a coincidence?

C:         No, much in those movies was fiction of fact, interplanetary, interstellar conflicts. Many statements ascribed to characters were indeed given by guides to the writers of the screenplay.

ST:       The fast ships, light sabres, abilities to understand languages and thoughts, the hovering craft, was any of that reality somewhere?

C:         Yes, and soon these things on your Earth will be seen, they will.

ST:       Those movies were interesting to watch and were a huge success in their day.

C:         The fun and excitement of such stories are what you shall all soon have, as this is what there is, for many beings of other places in your galaxy to have. The fun and enjoyment, this is a large and entertaining part of life.

ST:       The struggles and worries for so many humans make it difficult to imagine such fun for most of us.

C:         The experience of worry teaches two things; that worry contentment does frame and provides it a backdrop and secondly, priorities it highlights. That about which you worry has importance for you. Control worry and a priority will become success.

ST:       This is like what we say, we don’t appreciate what we have until we lose it.

C:         Yes. True is many cases, yet this loss of what is valued is often planned. Gratefulness for having once held something valuable, something good is what will be more common on Earth.

ST:       When?

C:         Soon, in not so many of your Earth years this shall be seen.

ST:       Will we all still see disappointment and regrets?

C:         Yes, these will always be a part of life on Earth as this place where you live teaches them so well. They will not seem onerous so often as is sometimes common now. Recovery from them will be swifter, depths of unhappiness less deep, happiness and joy more fun.

ST:       Erik, we’ve all read your mother’s description of your experiences but what can you say about them?

Erik:     If I could have passed through life where nobody had to suffer any disappointment, that my experiences would have been for me only, I’d do that. Life on Earth can’t work that way, it wouldn’t be Earth. So we all agree who will have each part. Then we forget for a while, to learn.

ST:       Was this learning a success for you? Did you accomplish the purpose?

Erik:     Yes, but only because of my family and those around me, who are wonderful.

ST:       We hear that life for humanity is an illusion?

C:         This word illusion, it means an image of something not true. This is not how you live on Earth. You do live in reality, just as real as anything in the universe. It is a period where the rules are different and the limits placed upon you by those rules, which all have agreed will be for everyone, allow you a view and vision you would not and cannot have, you cannot, unless you go there to Earth.

ST:       Will there be a time of reflection for humanity once things have settled down on Earth and life’s patterns have readjusted?

C:         Most certainly there will. Imagine great lecture halls where all sit and discuss a subject, like a great university classroom. This will be most common; many great truths will be revealed during these sessions, where events all know and many remember will be shown, with much assistance from your relatives and cousins from what you now see as outer space. They will help project the imagery and then the insight into the minds of many decision makers involved in significant Earth events. The motivations and lessons to be understood will be studied by all who are interested. Great understanding will come from these studies. Much reflection will happen and there will be little anger and no desire for retribution, as awareness, understanding and love will be overpowering the urge to seek revenge or resolution.

The concept of deterrence is strong throughout the universe and this on your Earth is also true; your deterrence is used often, and as it must be physical, the cases of misuse of such means cause much debate and discourse. Soon it will be seen that love and understanding of your fellow souls is the greatest deterrence to ill will, that it benefits those in need of such deterrence to a degree humanity rarely sees.

The many unseen and so unappreciated instances of deterrence will be shown, so that you might all understand this relation between humans. Soon and quickly we do say, all will appreciate how it far better mankind serves that no act in need of deterrence be committed. The want of love from your fellow soul will bring forth the love you have, and in giving this all might rise above that which threatens, causes fear and sets back the progress and advancement of humanity.

ST:       Will this type of education be common, if we can call it that?

C:         Yes, very common and sought after by many, many people.

ST:       Could there be a shortage of venues for this? Lecture leaders? Speakers? Facilitators?

C:         No, you have many, many places suited just for this now, many temples and places of worship that sit empty for the good part of your awake hours. The beauty of tall, colored glass seen in many of such structures, the artwork within, all represent basic examples of what is your Heaven, the beauty of the light and colour (Erik grins smugly as I type this word) of what you remember of your home.

ST:       What about leaders and speakers?

C:         The willing and able to do this will be plentiful; much help will be offered.

ST:       Many people will say they do not like study, or lectures of this type of activity.

C:         Do not like it now, they do not. This will change. There will be much interest to see what Josef Stalin really was thinking, and the ideas and activities that surround many an assassination will be a draw enough to summon more interest than now imaginable. It will be more than the scenario; the lesson and the thoughts of those participating will be brought forth for all to see.

ST:       This sounds like a long Day of Reckoning for Earth.

C:      And so it shall seem to be, it shall. Yet it will be possible with higher awareness and understanding; you will all still occupy your physical bodies as you do now. You will have greater function of mind and willingness to see what now is understood as fantasy and craziness will be much higher.

ST:       What will become of those who do not wish to participate?

C:         Most will have departed Earth in many ways before this activity and enlightenment into Earth’s recent history is common.

ST:       It seems so fantastic, as in like a fantasy, that we will have opportunities to look into Earth’s history and understand what we now do not know or have not seen and do not know about.

C:         Have faith this will change, it will.

ST:       What will be the purpose?

C:         Where you will go you shall see when you see from where you have come.

ST:       Where are we eventually going?

C:         To a happier and more content Earth, after adjustments.

ST:       Adjustments; the shift?

C:         Yes.  

ST:       Erik, final words?

Erik:     Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream, life is but a dream.

ST:       Isn’t there a ‘merrily’ part to that song?

Erik:     I left it out to get to the punchline quicker.

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Elisa Medhus

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