Michelle Gray

The Afterlife Interview with the Bog People, Part Two

The Afterlife Interview with the Bog People, Part Two

First an announcement: WE HAVE A WINNER! Julie Christianson correctly guessed what movie I saw first. It was Darby O’Gill and the Little People. The banshees in the movie scared me so much that I had nightmares for weeks. Plus, I thought the Spanish moss on our oaks was Banshee hair. Creepy! This is Part…

An Afterlife Interview with the African Slave Collective and Harriet Tubman

An Afterlife Interview with the African Slave Collective and Harriet Tubman

This subject is dear to my heart because I feel like this part of American history, along with our decimation of the Native Americans, is a horrible blight on our collective conscious. That’s why I petitioned (with little or no results) to replace Columbus Day (honoring a genocidal narcissist who didn’t even discover America) with…

Healing PTSD with Life Centered Therapy

Healing PTSD with Life Centered Therapy

Dr. Andy Hahn uses his technique to help our own Robert with the PTSD that has plagued him most of his life. It’s absolutely magical. But first, I want to share last night’s brilliant radio show. The topic was Simplicity vs. Wealth and Michelle Gray channeled Erik so beautifully, not only when he discussed the…

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