Dear Dr. Marc Siegel


Dr. Elisa Ribelles-Medhus, M.D., a physician in Houston, brought to my attention a suggestion for sterilizing the air and surfaces in public places. There are companies that manufacture Far UVC sterilization solutions that KILL 99.9% of all pathogens, including COVID-19.


Examples of this inexpensive technology:


1)    Far UVC lighting portals that can be installed in a variety of entryways

2)    Far UVC lightbulbs that can be retrofitted into recessed light fixture to sterilize all surfaces and the ambient air

3)    Far UVC units that can be installed in the ceiling AC vents.


The above are available RIGHT NOW and the installation is quick and easy. Most important, we can open up establishments once they are retrofitted with far UVC lighting and eventually open up the entire U.S. and world. They can be rented on an as-needed basis (when there are influenza and other epidemics, MRSA and other outbreaks in hospitals and nursing homes, and of course, pandemics like this one.)


***In fact, I think it would be a mistake to permanently retrofit all the lighting in every establishment because we do need bacteria and other pathogens in our life and as part of our bodies. It would be a mistake to sterilize every building, etc.


Far UVC (wavelength 207-222 nm) is harmless to humans, because the rays can't penetrate cells, meaning they can't cause cancer, cataracts, etc. Check out the research:




I propose this sweeping yet cost-effective infrastructure change, in some cases permanent and in others, temporary:


1)    Some (but not all) establishments should remove their current lighting and replace it with Far UVC lighting. 

2)    These establishments could include (but not limited to) airports/jetways, subway trains and stations, hospitals/OR suites, food production facilities, airplanes, cruise ships, and more.

3)    If and when an outbreak of a pathogen occurs, far UVC portals or temporary far UVC lighting can be rented and installed in vulnerable places that are densely populated such as nursing homes, schools, churches, movie theaters, retail and commercial businesses, warehouses, homes of those who are infected and possibly commercial vehicles such as police cars, ambulances, etc.

4)    The government could encourage installation by offering tax credits for companies who retrofit lighting with far UVC lighting.


And because Far UVC lighting constantly works at killing ALL pathogens, it would be an investment in the future, preventing other pandemics and epidemics like our seasonal flu, outbreaks of drug resistant bacteria like MRSA (methicillin resistant staph aureus,) TB and C. Diff.




1)    Less vulnerability to bioterrorism

2)    Fewer medical costs for patients with infectious diseases including hospitalizations, ER visits, antibiotic treatment, etc.

3)    Reduction of employee sick days, and therefore an increase in productivity

4)    Less vulnerability to multi-drug resistance.

5)    Overall improvement in morbidity and mortality from infectious diseases


Here's a link to one such company: Their products page:


There are many other companies like this one!  Neither Dr.Ribelles nor I have a financial affiliation with any far UVC technology companies.


PLEASE consider this approach because it's one that will get us all back to work.


Thanks for all you do,