Back to Basics

Since it’s a holiday, I wasn’t planning to post today, but I’d like your feedback on something. Over the last couple of years, I think that the blog has lost it’s way. At first, it was centered around loss, grief, death and the afterlife. Since then, we began to ask questions that covered “fringe” topics like the Illuminati, Bigfoot, aliens and more. Although these topics are fascinating, they really don’t honor the blog’s original plan. Plus, a think a lot of former blog members have broken ranks because of this. I’d like to return to the basics by answering questions about all sorts of loss: loss of faith, a child, confidence, health, a relationship, a career, direction, even libido. There are so many forms of loss, and part of the reason for our human experience is to learn to either embrace, resolve, accept them and more. To help us understand loss better, I’m also considering returning to the Ask Erik questions. Know that I won’t be able to answer everyone’s questions, but, if I do this, I’ll answer those that can teach us all about loss.

I’m also making changes in the mediums I use. I plan to have sessions with Jamie every one to two months and began having sessions with Robert and perhaps one other medium. This will give us all a richer, broader perspective on Erik’s insight and different expressions of his personality since his relationship with each medium will be different.

Be sure to spread the word of these changes to any blog members you know of that have left our group because the blog had lost its way.

So, what do you think?

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Elisa Medhus

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