A couple of housekeeping issues: Jamie still has some openings for the Channeling Erik event in San Diego November 9th, 10th and 11th. There’s a chance that a documentary film maker will be there filming an interview with the group, so that adds to the excitement. If you’re on the fence, take the leap. Give yourself and/or a loved one an early Christmas present. I promise it will change your life. You can check it out on Jamie’s site by clicking on the Love & Light icon on my homepage or this link: https://withloveandlight.com. I really can’t wait to meet you guys. We definitely have to get together and party a bit after the sessions!
Also, the first grieving parents channeling sessions will be held November 1st and the second one is on November 15th. For regular callers, Jamie will have sessions 12/6 and 12/13, and she’ll let us know the dates for 2013 shortly. Please register on her site. I’ve already told Jamie those who are lucky enough to have had their session paid for by our beloved anonymous blog member, but everyone still needs to register! You can click on Jamie’s Love & Light icon on our homepage or go directly to this link:
And now, with no further adieu, enjoy the last part of the interview. This is a long one. Let ‘er rip, Buddha!
Me: But anyway. All right. Let’s see. How do you feel about Channeling Erik? The blog.
Buddha: I’m proud of it.
Jamie: Sorry, he was mentioning something about this story of his. You were talking about monkeys. He tells a story about a monkey king.
Me: Okay. Let’s hear the story.
Buddha: It’s a story about valuing life. First I’ll answering any further questions before I tell the story.
Me: Okay. So, Channeling Erik. How do you feel about it, and what advice do you have for changing it.
Buddha: You are asking for guidance?
Me: Yes.
Buddha: First is to not feed the grief or sadness in people. You do not need to help them identify. They know what it is. Start feeding them the joy, identifying the joy in life. It is the people that need to be told that they are grieving or told that they are sad that do not desire to grow from it. This is neither positive nor negative, but if you wish to be the beacon of light that you are—a guiding light—then pose to them questions and give them options and directions to find the joy and the happiness through the experiences that they’ve had.
Me: Sometimes that’s very hard.
Buddha: You can thank the mind for that.
Me: Yes!
Buddha: It is not the heart’s natural state to stay within sadness or grief.
Me: How do you do that, though? How do find joy through grief?
Buddha: You address the mind.
(Long pause as Jamie listens)
Buddha: You give the mind—
Jamie laughs and points her fingers to both Erik and Buddha.
Jamie: Erik and Buddha are talking back and forth. So, they came up with sort of this idea that you the mind a one time ticket to just run through everything of what happened, what could have happened, what should have happened, like these are the possibilities, and then tell your mind that no matter how much it thinks of it, it will not change what it is.
Buddha: And through the practice and discipline of meditation, stay in the moment of now and without judgment. And when you achieve this, the heart goes back to its natural state, which is pure joy.
Me: So, we’re not talking about, uh, we’re talking about (finding joy) in spite of grief not finding joy through grief.
Buddha: Correct.
Me: Okay. That was a little confusing. All right. What do you think about Jamie?
Jamie (looking at me stunned and embarrassed, whispers): What are you doing?
Me (in a “cat who swallowed the canary” voice): I just wanna know.
Jamie: About what?
Me: Buddha, what do you think about Jamie?
Jamie (laughing and blushing): He pats my arm and he says, “Kind woman.”
Jamie (mussing her hair, looking at Buddha with eyes downcast): Thank you.
(Long pause)
Me: Buddha, is that all you got?
Jamie (looking very uncomfortable and still avoiding eye contact): Uh, no. He says that I behaved embarrassed, because I couldn’t take a complement.
Me: Aw.
Now I felt it may have been a mistake to ask this question, because like other mediums, Jamie has had a life full of scorn and ridicule for her gift. It’s taken its toll.
Jamie (solemnly): He says that I should look at that cuz somewhere I’m judging myself that I’m not good enough to be called a kind woman.
Me: Aw. I have the same problem.
Looking at Jamie’s facial expression, it almost seems like she’s going to cry.
Me: Okay, time to move on. Now, Erik, do you have any questions for Jamie? I mean for Buddha?
Jamie: Erik said he asked his question.
Me: Oh, that’s it?
Jamie shakes her head.
Me: Come on! You can come up with more! Jamie, do you have any questions for Buddha?
Jamie: Um—
Me: Except that y’all wanna maybe buy one of those heart necklaces that are sort of broken in half? The little BFF ones?
Jamie (laughing hard): “Best” (for me) and then he’ll wear “friends.”
Me: I think y’all should do it; I really do! What do you think, Buddha?
Jamie (giggling): He’s so happy! He smiles.
Me: Happy Buddha!
Jamie: He’s telling me that he’s had a wonderful day today to sit and teach again.
Buddha: If you wish to talk with me again, you can.
Me: How wonderful! Well, it’s my hope, Buddha, that we can share this video and spread your light across the world. It’s being spread, of course in many ways, through many venues, in many avenues, but I hope this is another sliver, another way that it can be spread again. I’m so appreciative for the time you’ve spent with us.
Buddha (putting his hands together as in prayer): Thank you.
Me: Thank you!
Buddha: Love to you and each who listen.
(Pause, then Jamie laughs)
Buddha: Did you WANT to hear the story?
Me (slightly embarrassed by my oversight): Oh yes, I do! Sorry, I cut you off! I was just so enamored by everything about you. So, yes. Please do.
Jamie: He’s talking about teaching children, that he used to teach children. He would do it through storytelling. There was a story about a monkey king and his monkey people. They lived up in a tree. They would play and eat the fruit of the tree, and the fruit was very good. And they were proud of this tree. This was the best fruit, so they took over this tree. The king was very good to his monkey people, and they were really cautious and protective about nobody else taking the fruit of the tree, because they might like it so much that they would take it over and they wouldn’t have it anymore. But somehow somebody—the human king of the land—got a taste of the fruit—
Jamie: As you can tell, he’s telling the story, and I am rewording it, so I apologize, but notes via Jamie.
I laugh.
Jamie (grinning): He’s a patter. Oh my god! Touch, touch, touch.
Me: Aw!
Jamie: So, the human king got a taste of it, and he said it was the most, you know, beautiful tasting fruit. He had to have it; he had to find out, you know, where the tree was, and they searched all over. They found the tree, and there were the monkeys. And they king said, “Oh, the monkeys are getting all of this good fruit! You must kill all of the monkeys so that I can have this tree and I can have this fruit, because it’s fit to be for a king.” And so the king’s men started killing the monkeys. So, the monkey king started trying to save his monkey people—I don’t know how else to explain it—and so he started helping the monkeys out of the tree. He got them all across, and the monkey was stretched from one tree to the other. It was so far, and the monkey king could barely hold on. His body was aching, but he was determined to do anything possible to save all of his family and crew, his monkey family.
Jamie (grinning and nodding her head as if corrected): Monkey kingdom. And all of the monkeys crossed except one. That one was jealous of the monkey king and thought that this would be the perfect opportunity to spite the king, so he jumped hard on the king’s back. The monkey king fell to the ground, and the mean, spiteful monkey made it across and survived. So, the human king came over to the monkey who had fallen—
Jamie pauses, looks at Buddha and listens for a while.
Jamie: And he went to the monkey king and picked him up and he said, “Monkey king, you have not only been strong, but you saved your kingdom.” I don’t know how to explain it. The monkey family. The human king was proud of the monkey king, and he said, “You gave your life for your people, and I have learned from you. I’ll hold you in great honor and esteem, and I’ll protect this tree for you.” So, the monkey king, in his moment of death, said that his death was not in vain, because through his love for his kingdom, he found the strength to care for them. And now in his moment of passing, not only does he get to see everybody live, he also gets to see this human king find the value in life.
Me: Oh.
Jamie: His lesson is now living on in another person, and for him tht was the most valuable thing that you could have asked for.
Me: Oh, very nice.
Jamie (pointing to Buddha): In a nutshell.
Me: How nice.
The story brought tears to my eyes.
Jamie: He was just sharing with me that a lot of the stories that he tells to teach the children are written down. I wonder if there are kid Buddha stories. Obviously he’s saying there are. So, I apologize, but (unintelligible).
Buddha: Thank you.
Me: I’ll check it out! That’s a very wonderful story to end the interview on. Thanks you so much, Buddha.
Jamie (giggling like a star struck schoolgirl): Oh god!
Buddha (hands together as in prayer): You are welcome.
Me: Much love to you.
Buddha: Love to you, too.
Me: Okay. By Jamie. Bye Erik.
Erik (waving): Bye Mom. I love you.
Jamie: Bye everybody!
Me: I love you, too!
Jamie: Bye guys. Thank you for helping me stretch my limits!
Me (chuckling): That’s true. You and me both!
Before we end this post, I want to show you all how beautiful the flowers are that you, my CE family, sent. Every day, I’m going to gaze upon them with my heart bursting with love. I just hope I can keep them alive!
Oh, and if you liked this post, please like the CE Facebook page AND spread the word via as many socializer buttons below as you can! And be sure to friend Erik and me on Facebook and join the CE family Facebook group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/ChannelingErik/) if you haven’t already!