Random Shit lol

Before I post today’s Erik prank, I’d like to share a lovely poem written by blog member, T. Koenke Diaz. It’s so similar to the fun style of Shel Silverstein. Erik loved it when I read him those poems when he was a small child. 

(Some of)  My Past Lives

An elephant,

A chickadee,

A poor Irish woman,

A honeybee,

A sparkling gem,

A shaft of wheat

A nematode,

A chimpanzee, 

A pine and catalpa and willow and gingko and aspen tree.

An Egyptian slave and a Chinese man,

I’m trying to remember as hard as I can.

An alien that the Maya and the Incas met –

I have a hunch but now I forget.

Beautiful. Thanks for letting me share it. Now enjoy today’s Erik Encounter!

Last week I had a reading with Jamie. Too many incredible things to list but she did tell me Chris (my wife) and Erik had become friends and he helps her. I guarantee he’s amazed by her energy lol. Erik made a few comments during the session which were AWESOME!. I knew in my heart they met because I asked him to help her adjust and right after that 2 flowers showed up on a plant I got after she passed (another incredible story for another day). ERIK you are awesome my friend and thank you!!!!!!! Okay, so today I’m talking with the Director of Sales and Marketing at the company we work for. He works for the VP who’s name is Brian (that’s important). There are no Erik’s in the company that I or he knows of (another important fact). Neither of us that I know of have regular contact with family or friends named Erik (last of 3 important facts). As we’re talking through this involved conversation he says “so I was talking with Erik today….wait I mean Brian…I have no idea why I said Erik..”. Okay HELLOOOOOO lol. That’s my encounter for today, how random is that shit right! Thank you again Erik and I’ll continue to watch for signs and guidance from you and Chris.

Your friend, Art

He’s putting words in people’s mouth now! TOO FUNNY!!! 



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Elisa Medhus

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