I had the honor to meet Kim Babcock’s adorable kids yesterday afternoon via Skype. Cassie is 7 years old and Cade is 10 years old. Both seem just as sweet as their mama. Arleen (my grand daughter) enjoyed talking to Cassie because they’re the same age. Both, much to their chagrin, are working on multiplication tables. Ugh. An hour or so after the call, Arleen asked, “Can I Skype with Cassie again?” Maybe we have a budding friendship on the horizon.
Speaking of Kim, every Monday, she hosts “Mondays with Erik,” where people submit questions and then Erik and her choose one to answer. Here’s the one from this week:
Good evening everyone! I hope this Monday brought you into the week with grace and ease! I’m looking forward to bringing you wisdom from Erik’s perspective on these “Mondays with Erik.”
Blog member question:
“Is the fabric of time between our world and yours getting thinner, and if so, is this the reason for an increase in spiritual interest among mankind?”
Erik: Hmmm I love the analytical mind behind this question. The fabric of time, in itself is really just an illusion. Time does not separate anything like you think and perceive it to. The fabric of time, in the way you perceive it gives you the illusion of separation, to keep order. You see if you had no concept of time there on Earth, like it is here in Heaven, confusion and disorientation would be a constant (because of the complexity of human-ness) and that would defeat the purpose of incarnation. We incarnate to learn and evolve and that would be nearly impossible in a constant state of disorientation. The illusion of time that you have tells you that people, places, things and events are all separated in their existence, when they actually aren’t. You can thank the Mayans for bringing order to existence with the concept of tracking time. All things are one, all at once, all of the “time.” That is why there are different entities that can hop through dimensions and also why people can astral travel, or regress to another life or incarnation-because it’s all currently in existence. Once something is created energetically, it is immortal, eternal, without a time stamp to trap it’s existence, you see.
Me: wow, I never thought about it like that, the separation concept. Thank you! Anything else?
Erik: Yes, to finish, it’s not necessarily that the veil is getting thinner between our realm and yours, but instead, think of it as more people are talking,and that talking just happens to be crossing the veil both ways. Scientists overseas from America are discovering ways to communicate with spirit and more research is being acknowledged on spiritual studies.
Also, mankind is going through it’s own movement as a whole- searching for deeper truth and purpose, and that also leads to spiritual growth.
Me: Hm, i’m stumped, anything else?
Erik Nada, not right now anyhow..brown cow. haha!
Me: Haha, okay Erik; Thanks so much man!
Erik: You got it!
Thanks everyone!
To find out more about our wonderful lead Channeling Erik medium, click HERE.
She calls out for the Mondays with Erik HERE every Monday.

Kim Babcock
If you missed the post yesterday, the details for our event in Denver in June are HERE.
Watching Kim trance channel Erik is sure to be a treat!
Erik says we need life coaches to offer their services in the tour’s cities, so if you are a life coach who’d like to participate, email Heather and Kim at kimsdivineconnection@gmail.com and heather@heatherquinto.com. What can be better than having a little help finding your way in life?
One last thing, if you missed it live, please enjoy the archived version of our interview on The Christine Upchurch Show with host (duh) Christine Upchurch. Kim brings in Erik for loads of fun and enlightenment. All you have to do is click on the link in this paragraph.
Meanwhile, read this review of my boy’s wonderful book, My Life After Death: A Memoir from Heaven. You’ll never be the same after reading it. Remember it comes in paperback, Kindle, Nook, Audible, iTunes and audiobook. You might have to expand your browser window to see the audiobook format.
I just finished My Life After Death. What a fabulous read! I have to say that accepting the notion of life after death is not a stretch for me and it never has been. What I found in these pages were details about the experience of dying, crossing over and then what its like to be a spirit. It’s all explained in Erik’s entertaining voice, including his infamous “potty mouth” and humor. The analogies he presents are very effective in describing otherwise very abstract concepts that explain, among other things, how he is able to communicate with his loved ones and others he touches in his role as spirit guide. Thank you Erik and Elise! You’ve already reached so many with your story of love and devotion that truly knows no boundaries.

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