Before we get into the last of the Ask Erik questions, I want to let you know that I’ll be a guest on the Dear Prudence Show with Amanda Grieme this coming Monday, 2/8 from 11:00 AM- 12:00 PM CT. Click HERE to listen live and feel free to call in to this number: 858-947-1909. You can ask Erik questions if you want! Amanda is not only a radio host, she’s a life coach, an author and a channel via automatic writing. She plans on joining us in NYC to teach us how to channel our loved ones, our spirit guides and even our Higher Self in this way and will also offer life coaching sessions, something I think we all could use!
Speaking of the tour, for those of you who haven’t yet seen this, please help us with a headcount for Denver and NYC.
And now for the questions and Erik’s answers! I urge you to subscribe to the Sedona Journal. It’s a perfect publication for us CE peeps, full of valuable information! Click HERE to subscribe.
I met you in California recently. I love everything you are about. Thank you for all you do for all of us. If it’s not too late I have a question for Erik: I’m a longtime ethical vegan (since Jan 1990) and animal rights supporter. Please help me to understand how to deal with non-vegans. It’s so difficult to hear and see animal cruelty and to see people eating animals. I know we’re here for diversity and depth, but I need a touchstone as a reminder for peace.
There is no hierarchy of life forms. There’s no, “Humans are more important than other animals, and other animals are more important than plants.” The soul of a plant is just as precious as the soul of a cow. Some people are unaware, and they don’t feel grateful for what they eat. This includes vegans. Animal cruelty, however horrible you might consider it, is just a very low level of spiritual awareness, and all humans are in their own point in their quest for awareness. Not everyone thinks like you, and having expectations for them to believe and live like you do and to have the same level of awareness is only going to cause frustration. Remember that all the different beliefs are what make this whole pool of humans so diverse, and that’s not a bad thing.
The intentions you have when you eat and the ways you treat these life forms are what really matters. You can have an inconsiderate vegan eating broccoli and not expressing any gratitude for it, and on the other hand, you can have a loving person who buys steak from a place that raises and slaughters their cows humanely and eats it with gratitude. So when you deal with non-vegans, try to feel them out for their intentions. It all goes back to whether they’re grateful to the life force for the physical bodies they provide as food. Also, be aware that many animals have spiritual agreements with us to eat them, so they know what they’re getting into before they incarnate.
My son has always been very aloof. He has a great sense of humor, communicates well, his friends are friends for life, and he radiates love and compassion. He also has a strong sense of justice. But he has always been very separated from others. When he was little, if he was sick, instead of calling, “Mom!” he would call, “Help me!” His dad and I were divorced when he was 8 years old, and of course it affected him strongly. We have shared several past lives, mother and son, father and daughter. I know it’s just who he is, but I wonder what caused this aloofness in this life or a previous one and if can I crack through this shield.
—Denise Jarmon
He doesn’t feel disconnected, but some people around him don’t feel like they can connect completely with him. This is bleeding through from another incarnation. In that life, things were quite the opposite. He didn’t form any boundaries, and he had a hard time saying no to people. They walked all over him and sucked away his time and emotional resources. Of course that life, like all lives, past, present and future, is happening now, and he’s sensing its effect. He’s very connected to himself, but he just wants strong boundaries to avoid having that same pattern reoccur. Bringing awareness to that life is a great starting point, so past life regression will help. Until then, you have to be a little creative to bring his awareness back into this life fully. Part of his consciousness is in that other life, and he kind of teeters back and forth. Grounding techniques will help with this. Also, focus on who he is as an individual and use that to reel him back into his body. Let’s say he likes to play guitar. Take him to guitar lessons or do something that’s going to trigger his personality and his emotions so that he can connect back to himself and this life.
You say when we “die” we go to the other dimension and basically first experience what we believe. Christians see Jesus, Buddhists go through the bardos, atheists find darkness, and then eventually, a different reality is revealed. My question is about the terrorists/murderers who believe with all their hearts that God has told them to kill and that they will be rewarded; some even believe they will have virgins. So they get this experience, and then what? If there is no judgment but our own evolving understanding, how does karma play out in a situation where an innocent is beheaded, schools are bombed and little children are killed? All souls being equal, is there any retribution, any immediate understanding? And if so, why do some souls seem to return to repeat, not having learned that love is the only reality?
Eh, I don’t like the word, “karma.” This is not a karma thing, but this is a big fucking question. When people chop off other people’s heads or blow up schools, you have to understand that spiritual contracts are involved. Both perpetrators and victims knew that they were going to come into this life to experience these things because of what it was going to teach their soul and humanity. People who go through these extreme situations cross over into the reality their belief systems created for them—yeah, they get their virgins—and then they go through a period of therapy because we can’t just show up right after they cross over and go, “Hey, dude. You’re here now, and I’m here to guide you. Look at all the pretty lights!” That would be too much of a shock. They first need time to reflect on what the fuck just happened and how they feel, and they have to remember that it was all part of a contract. When they start getting more comfortable, that’s when they have all these thoughts and ask a bunch of questions, and then other spirits can come in to help orient them.
Also, it’s not like they get here and we go, “Oh look. It’s the asshole that just blew up a school.” We have a much higher, deeper understanding of the impact the situation had on their soul and on humanity. I know human emotions make you think, “Oh, it’s horrible. It’s disgusting,” but there’s a grander plot at play. There’s a much bigger prize because of what it teaches. Events like these force humanity to come together in ways they don’t often do. For example, the recent massacre in Paris elicited conversation from all over the world, and that conversation created a sense of unity.
Hi Elisa,
I’m not sure if this is what you’re looking for with Erik’s column, but if they’re personal questions here’s mine!
I think I was able to communicate with Erik last night. I asked him advice about my baby (now 7 months). I asked about doing the whole Crying It Out method. It really breaks my heart, so it’s been hard, but I’ve been doing it, waiting 5, 10, and then 15 minutes before comforting him. He still seems to be crying every time! So, I just feel like I’m turning this happy baby into a miserable one, and I worry about what unconscious effects it’s having on him. When I meditated I got these messages:
What I think I heard first from my guides was, “Do animals let their babies cry it out?” (Me: Umm, no!) What I think I heard from Erik was, “How does it make you feel?” (Me: Shitty.) “Do what makes you feel good. You are avoiding your natural instinct. Go with that.” So, I just want to see if I can validate what he said and get more info. Or maybe I misunderstood it, and I just have boundary issues! (haha.)
My question: Is the whole Crying It Out technique bullshit? It feels like violence to a child. I understand they have to learn how to soothe themselves, but isn’t there a more peaceful way? Is modern society so f*#@ed-up that we’ve prioritized work/modern schedules over taking care of our own and that we force babies to sleep 12 hours at night when it might not be their natural rhythm?
By the way, I am really liking your book, Hearing Is Believing. The examples are critical, numerous, and so easy to understand!!
Thanks so much!
—Erin-Marie MacEwen
First of all, do what feels right. You can’t just randomly take somebody else’s idea and enforce it in your own home. Sorry, but that’s just fucked up. What does this whole technique do to your heart? It tears it out, right? It focuses too much on division. It’s okay to coddle them a lot. It’s part of being a mom and having a young one. People go, “Oh, you have to stop carrying that baby around. They’re going to get used to it,” but if it fucking feels right, what’s wrong with it? If your natural instinct is to soothe your baby, why wouldn’t you just because some article tells you to do otherwise? This goes beyond whether or not to follow this childrearing technique. Everyone should listen to their natural instincts when making any decision in their life.
Elisa speaking. I wish Erik had had the chance to be a dad. I think he would have been a wonderful one. Here’s another review for Erik’s book, My Life After Death.
This is the only book I was very stoked about receiving. I pre ordered it and sat home all day on 9/1/15 waiting on its arrival. I met the UPS guy at my driveway. As soon as I got in the house I ripped it open and sat down about 4pm and fell asleep around 2ish. I woke up with only 40 pages left to read. I’ve never finished a book that fast.
I’m already a spiritual person but to hear everything from the moment he pulled the trigger to…. watching his own funeral and being there to say his good byes to his loved ones afterwards that was touching. The relationship Erik and Mrs. Medhus had was amazing but now their relationship is beyond words. Which I think is beautiful. His life review, that could help so MANY including myself worrying about being judged after we leave this earth (physically) The B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L explanation of how heaven is. It’s all truly amazing.
I think everyone should read this book. Anyone who is grieving or having a problem with “where we come from”, “where we go from here”. It’s truly an enlightening book. I’m going to buy 3 copies and pass them into people only with the promise that they will #1 read it and not sit in at a shelf #2 when there done pass it on and tell the next person the same. I truly think this book could be a start on helping the world one person at a time.
I believe in this book a 100%, I’ve been highly blessed with “meeting” Erik. He’s a spirit with strong energy, an amazing heart who just wants to help people who are suffering here on earth. Erik is a great spirit guide and if you’re having problems that he can help with he will, if he can’t he’ll give you the suggestions on what to do. He can help but we gotta do the foot work.
I hope you all enjoy his book as much as I have. Thanks Erik, Dr.Medhus and Jamie!!!
–Suzette Williams