This comment from blog member, Thomas Müller-Grud deeply affected me. My husband read it, too and made the comment that he and I are so insulated in our relationship with Erik and our relationship with his death, that we often forget what’s going on in the huge blogosphere out there. We often forget the impact our son has made and continues to make on the lives of others. Instead, we concentrate more on how much we miss him, how much we want him back and how things will never be the same without him. So, it’s wonderful to get this jolt of realization that snatches us from our little cave to let us know that yes, we’ve made lemonade from lemons. Very sour lemons. Very sweet lemonade. Thanks, Thomas.
Hi everybody and especially the Medhus family,
I thought I’d never join a blog community, I’m not on Facebook, Twitter or any of those things. “That’s something for my kids, I’m too old for that stuff”, I told myself.
But a few weeks ago I stumbled over the YouTube videos whilst watching some spiritual teachings – spirituality has been my interest for quite some years.
“This is amazing stuff,” I thought, so I checked out the website, read a bit here and there and decided to download the second book to my Kindle because it attracted my attention most.. What a fantastic read! I finished it last week in a few days and downloaded “My Son and the Afterlife” yesterday which I am already sucked into. (While typing the last sentence, suddenly I couldn’t continue for a minute or so, the cursor blinked but no way of getting a letter typed – hello, Erik?).
So now I find myself here, writing my first blog post 🙂
Dear Elisa, Erik and spiritual translators, this is really f*****g awesome s**t!
Pulling off this whole thing after every family’s nightmare, is unbelievably impressive. This cooperation from both sides of the veil is so needed, so that the veil gets thinner and thinner. Of course, the connection has always been there, or better, always IS there, but your work is such a contribution to make the spirit side of life ever more tangible and experiential, not like some distant theory, ideology or spirituality. My experiences so far after getting into your material are to lightbulbs: one died, not just poof but flashing several times, then dimming down to almost zero and flashing again after a minute or so. The second one I didn’t see myself: my son came running in from the kitchen where he just had switched on the light of the vent, and asked “what’s wrong with the light, it’s flickering like crazy”.”No idea”, I said, and when he returned everything was fine. I didn’t have to change the bulb 🙂
Although nationality doesn’t really matter at all, for me personally there were to things in the book which gave me that tiny extra warmth. First (reading of bestefar and bestemor,) learning of the norwegian part of your family, because I moved from Germany to Norway 25 years ago and it’s become my home here. [Rune: varm hilsen til deg, den pasjonerte motorsyklisten og sterke mannen i bakgrunnen!]
Secondly, the Spanish or Spanish talking roots on the other “hand”, because I always have felt attracted to everything in the Spanish talking world. So: a toda la gente que habla español, muchos besos y abrazos fuertes!
And to the Scandinavians: masse klemmer/krammar/knus til alle! And everyone out there, big hugs!
Thank you so much for helping humanity and so many people with big problems, small problems and very big problems!
Thomas Müller-Grud
Again, thank you, Thomas, for lift my spirits and those of my family, too.
Enjoy this podcast of Jamie trance channeling Erik!