Hi Erik and Mum.
I am currently reading your book, my Life after Death. A beautiful read. Can I say that it has significant synergy with a book written 100 years earlier by Monsignor Robert Benson. He wrote extensively about his journeys in the afterlife through his dear friend who was still in physical carnation.
I discovered my spiritual side after some significantly traumatic events in 2016 which cases me personally great pain because of actions I took when I felt I couldn’t cope with the external pressures of my life. I had lost my perceptive and had no spiritual point of reference to help ground me and I became someone I thought I wouldn’t. This caused me to spiritual implode (dark night of the soul type thing) and I went on this inner journey for a period of years.
I was in a very good place 18 months ago during Covid because my external pressures had gone because of the world environment and I was left with my own small world boundaries and quiet so was able to contemplate, meditate etc. My young daughter came to me in spirit at that time. She communicated with me through vibration. I also felt in touch with perhaps some spirt guides.
Unfortunately however since the start of this year, my world of external pressures has opened up again, and my spiritual footing gone once more. I have been beaten down mentally by external problems, and I have lost my grounding. In fact I have lost my mind since about September. The repeat patterned behaviour that manifested as a result in 2016 has manifested again. I cannot blame my external environment, as I choose to live the life I do. I guess I am a slave to my worldly ambitions and desires. It is a great shame because 18 months ago I was writing about my experiences and that of others and was producing a book that I think had some value to those who might choose to read it. But all that has gone now. I need some help rebalancing to pick myself up again. Erik if you are there, I’d be more than happy to have your support! I want to give holistically to the world for good, not selfish desire. Help me with my clarity. Love to all. Michael
Hi Michael!
Thankyou for sending this in! You certainly are not alone in your experience. Our spiritual Journey of ability and connection goes through many waves. With many of us at home during Covid Lockdowns, we were able to have the silence that otherwise we didn’t have before. Erik wants you to know that you truly haven’t gone back to 2016. It feels like that, but you now have the opportunity to create quiet, and keep a regular spiritual practice that works for you, despite what goes on around you. He says you will, and you will create a new normal for yourself this year! Ground yourself daily and practice writing with the intent to discharge any frustration as well as write a daily gratitude Journal. That will help your vibration raise to feel balance and clarity. Erik is happy to help, and hears you call on him. watch for the synchronicities!!!