Hi Michelle!
I can say that I have always been a spiritual person and had no doubts about life after death. Erik’s story came to me as a blessing at the right moment in our lives.
Recently, my son was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. He is always struggled with depression which was diagnosed by our family doctor. Although, no medication would make his pain ease. He was referred to a psychiatrist which advised him to continue with his medication and try a group therapy at the university. He tried the group therapy but was not able to go on due to his own unwillingness and lethargy towards his self-care. He had never had a psychotic break until the end of December when we had to take him to an ER of a psychiatric hospital where he stayed for almost 5 days for treatment and assessment. There I found out about his suicide thoughts and it really freaked us out! And this suicide shadow follows us daily, and we’re struggling to help him get through this dark life stage. I can say the psychotic break has receded and he is back to “normal” (which means depression).
Beside the conventional treatment he is receiving (meds, therapy and follow ups with the hospital team) my wife and I intensified our prayers, meditation practice and looked for spiritual guidance with a group in the city we currently live. This group works also with mediums who channel messages to shed a light on our path in this present life. We are trying to understand our purpose in our lives and the reason he’s so angry with us all the time. We’re trying hard but it seems all our efforts to help aren’t enough or can reach his heart. We believe that this anger and sadness has all to do with past lives and we are trying to get a grip of the situation and help him out to live his life fully and blissfully.
According to the spiritual group which helped us through this moment they received two messages from different spirits. The first one perfectly describes his personality and the way he deals with his present life. The second message tells an intriguing story about us (my wife, son, and myself): it outlines we were together on a shipwreck and we drowned. We do not know our relationship at that life, we don’t know if we were travelling as a family, as crew members or even as slaves because the vessel was a slave ship. They say my wife and I recovered from the trauma of drowning but not him although he agreed to re-incarnate in this present life as our son. They say he wasn’t ready, but he was willing to embrace the opportunity to re-incarnate together. They describe he carries deep sadness; frustration and he miss deeply something or someone that was left in the past. The letter was signed by spirit who calls him “love” and mentions how he/she misses him. The reason I am writing this is to ask for help, some guidance which would make us understand this web we’re involved in and help him dissolve all this sadness, resentment and numbness in this earthly life. We believe we have a role, a responsibility towards this spirit that was entrusted to us as a son.
I do appreciate your attention!
Marcelo and Veronica
Hi Marcelo and Veronica!
Erik brought your email to my attention and said that you represent so many others who can relate to your story. He first wants to commend you as parents for sticking by your son, and for doing the best you can support, and reach supports to help him. Erik took me through a spiritual perspective of what is going on, and hopefully this can help shed l of you. Your Son has some energy that is in the throat area that could use some clearing. I can also feel some of that energy that is connected into the heart chakra as well. Some energy work would help him, but ultimately it is your son, that by taking ownership of his own true voice that will help clear that through. There is a need for him to express himself creatively, and Erik says that anything that has sound and movement, vibration to it would be good. Does he love music? There is a deep connection to the therapeutic value of music and vibration for him. It is powerful medicine, that soothes the soul when we connect. Encourage him to lose himself in music. He is feeling at a crossroads inside, and his soul urges him in ways that the brain tells him is not possible. He can use lyrics to music and write his own to express his messages to the universe. The power of his mind has not yet been discovered, and he has an immensely powerful, manifesting mind! Erik wans me to share with you that as parents, as much as you want to help him. He must truly want to help himself. What will best help him right now is to be as clear as you can with how you communicate to each other. Sometimes emotions can become miscommunicated, tone of voice ect. Mixed messages can happen easily, and without realization. Your Son will thrive in what makes his soul dance and encourage him to express that to the fullest! Keep on the road to balance your own spiritual energy. New opportunities are on the horizon and be open to creative methods you may have not thought of before!
Erik is with you, and he wants you to know that you have his support! Mine too!
Lots of love
Xo Erik and Michelle
Hi Michelle & Erik,
My father passed 14 years ago, and he was always my closest ally, soul person, everything. It happened suddenly and my family and I were shattered and grieve to this day, especially mum & I.
I do feel he listens in to me when I speak to him, but I feel it’s always measured and not enthusiastically from his side unless important. Like the dream in which he told me about my impending pregnancy with my first. Has he moved on? Am I holding him back? I feel rudderless and oddly vacant without him. Since his passing I’ve married, moved abroad and have 2 beautiful babies but I don’t at all feel the carefree happiness or joy I used to feel when he was alive and it’s unfair on my kids and me. It’s like a burden of grief I carry, but I know he is fine. Is there anything he has to say to me?
In a note for Erik, I asked to see a sign from him a couple of weeks ago. Things have been hard and I’m aware my vibration has been low, but I room share with my infant and awoke to see the white noise machine by my bedside switched off! My cat is smart but not human to press the butwe never lost power that night.
Hi Aditi!
Erik choses the emails, and how each one pops up for me, is unique! Yours literally popped
Up IN front of me. I first want to tell you that Erik has your Dad’s energy here. He wants you to know that you are not holding him back. Grief can make communication a tough block to get through though. I feel a sense of humor and can tell he had a substantial part in your life, just from what you wrote! His sudden passing, although he knows was hard on you, was his way of leaving without having all the fuss made over him. He is showing me water, and dolphins. He says that he has not been gone but does say that he took time to relax, and some time to rest. With time on the other side nonexistent, its like a vacation for him to rest. Your Dad must have been an extremely hard worker, as he has enjoyed peace very much. He wants you to know that is why you felt him at distant, but he has always maintained connection to you.
He does have a message for you: You tend to see good in others, and sometimes others take advantage of that in you. Please take care of yourself, take care of your health. Do not be afraid to do what you believe in or take a stand for what you need too! You have not been able to play, to laugh, to have fun. Some of the situations around you are negative, or cause conflict. Try to avoid them. Being an adult is not easy, but it doesn’t mean you have to stop having fun. Laugh at yourself sometimes too! You are about ready to live differently, and I am still your Dad, and am right here to cheer you along. I have some help over here to communicate with you, and if you can commit to laughing a little more, you will feel me. That twinkle in your eye is still there. Watch what the cat watches, I am not far from there.
Love Dad……..Ps….Yes…That was Erik, and Dad was with him!
Please ask Erik if I am supposed to be a Life Coach, and if my Sons will be happy in Life.
Kind Regards.
Hi Quinton!
Erik has an answer for you!
Erik here! You have had some changes in your life, and the directions of where to go are both exciting and nerve wracking at the same time. It is wise to have an idea of where you are headed, but to also keep an open mind that the “idea” may expand into something you cannot see from this point. This is the kinds of thing we like to incarnate on earth to experience. There is some mystery to what is ahead, and yet you are creating what it is you want to experience! Would you make a great life coach? Heck ya! The question is, are you passionate about that? The boys will be ok. Think in terms of Music for them. A great deal of creative expression is around them. You are going to do simply fine too!
Love Erik
Hi Michelle and Erik,
All this lifetime I have felt very downtrodden and unloved and although I have been working on it, it just seems to relentlessly permeate every area of my life, including my own self-love. I just don’t know how to overcome this. My childhood family is so dysfunctional, and i wonder if I am supposed to find love within the family or find a way to distance myself from them. Also, I would like to be a healer, but I wonder if I am even supposed to do that during this lifetime. I feel very stuck in my spiritual life. I also cannot seem to budge on becoming organized and neater.
Can you please give me some direction? Thank you so much!
Hi Eureca!
First, big hugs from Erik and me. You are not alone! Erik and I both want to acknowledge that you already are a healer in this lifetime, and have come into this life with that vibration, from many incarnations. The relationship that is most important to connect with, is the one with the self. It is no easy accomplishment but is what your soul intended to do in this life, and therefore you came equipped with everything you need to see it through. Erik adds that the family you incarnated with has been specifically designed for you to grow. What happens, and by no fault of yours, is that the pain, trauma, and emotional experiences that embedded into you, started to become you. As a child, you had grown up very quickly, had limited childhood experiences, and did not receive the love and attention that a child requires to create a healthy foundation within. So where does that leave you today? Searching for that love, attention and compassion that you didn’t have before. As an adult, sometimes that looks like lashing out, anger, distaste, temper tantrums, and manipulation. Truly never really wanting to hurt, but to use all means necessary to have that plate of love filled. Erik even says putting on a brave face each day, as if nothing is wrong, just for the sake of others is continually hurting that pained child within. Erik recommends that you seek some guidance with a healer to help show you the way. On your own however, you can begin to move this along by being both the child within and facilitate the energy of the parent or caregiver you needed as a child. You can do this in meditation, or in journaling /writing. Erik said writing would be the best for you. Create an agreement with yourself, that you are safe and in full acceptance of the wounds you received. Keep in mind that even if others do not acknowledge your pain. If you do, is what is most important. Accept, and grieve. Grieve what you missed out on, what you expected, what you hoped for, but leave yourself the space to grieve your childhood.
Remove blame, and shame for what you did not know, and understand. Forgive yourself for any behaviors or action that resembled child like behavior. The child in you has always been reaching out to feel secure.
Make a commitment with yourself to work through this with compassion. It is not the end all goal to have a perfect relationship with everyone, there is no such thing anyway! There is a way to heal our inner child and have a balanced relationship with ourselves. When we do that, we allow love to flow freely through us, no longer stagnant and blocked. We practice this in compassion with ourselves, and it helps us have compassion for others. Erik says that so many of us are walking around holding in the wounds from childhood, with band aids that keep falling off. When we accept there is a wound to heal, we discover the power we held inside all along. You are a powerful healer. Take this time, and go be playful, and curious. There is a lifetime of adventure that awaits you by saying yes!
Love Erik and Michelle
Thank you, Michelle, Elisa and Erik, for all you do! Thank you for this opportunity to ask Erik for advice about my 16-year-old son. Is he just a hormonal teenager or is something else going on that needs to be addressed? I just finished listening to your mom’s show on the indigo, Crystal, and star seed children. Is he involved in any of that? You already know the amount of stress this child has brought into our lives; I love him dearly and will appreciate any advice or information you can share with me.
Thanks so much. Love you guys,
Hi Lexi! We Love you Too!
Erik says to hang in there! Your Son holds power in his vibration that will come out as he moves into his 20s.
He is experiencing what we could refer to as growing pains. He does fit into the star seed child, and crystal/indigo.
This lifetime he brings all kinds of differences that may look odd to the outsider but is quite normal to his true nature. This growth cycle may create feelings of stress, anxiety, and opportunities to grow confidence within himself. Erik said for him to stand tall in what his beliefs are and be okay if that changes. Do not let anyone tell you that you do not fit. The only one that must fit for you, is you!! Lexi, Erik has been hanging around your son, and there must be a theme in music today, because Erik is showing me the Guitar for your son. If he is not currently interested, he may be in the future.
Your boy is a good kid, that has a lot to share with this world! Erik says he is lucky to have you, and I think so too!
Love Erik, and Michelle
Michelle Gray
The Healing H-Art www.thehealingh-art.com |